Bang on #Corbyn and McDonell for their active role in protesting at the #Palestine march.
Ooit had #TheGuardian een wereldwijde reputatie van onafhankelijke en kritische #journalistiek die schandalen en wangedrag van de eigen regering uitbracht. Vrijgekomen documenten bewijzen dat de veiligheidsdiensten in enkele jaren tijd van de krant een devoot woordvoerder van de macht hebben gemaakt. Zo kon het dat de krant ijverig Jeremy #Corbyn en Julian #Assange gingen demoniseren en alle journalistieke ethiek liet varen waar ze ooit model voor stond.
via @regendans
It's not telling us anything new - and misses out on the intermediate strep - mitigateion, because that will be necessary, even more so in the future than now (and it is already needed). But the message need to keep on being told.
@Walrus @RichardJMurphy Manoeuvred into place by some people with lots of money, who genuinely believed that #Corbyn might redistribute some of it.
'Jeremy Corbyn calls out Starmer for taking us to brink of World War III
British missiles are apparently being fired into Russian territory'
#uk #corbyn #starmer #wmd
Former UK Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn Reveals He was Confronted to Give Assurances he Would Automatically Support any Military Action Israel Undertakes if he Became PM
Corbyn refused and the Israeli-owned British media kicked in to oust him. - RiseGS
@RickiTarr this is very similar to the situation in the UK. New #Labour leader #Starmer (who won) is MUCH less popular than old Labour leader #Corbyn (who lost, twice). Labour's vote was DOWN three million votes as compared to their 2017 result. What happened was that the #Conservatives, after thirteen years of chaotic, corrupt and incompetent government, were even more unpopular. Only one in five (20.4%) registered electors in the UK voted for our current government.
Chakrabarti raises her concerns on #BBCLauraK about "Life science companies protecting our data"
Too late
#Corbyn warned you
He was ignored
#Streeting is financing the #NHS on the back of my medical conditions and on the back of your medical conditions.
Jeremy Corbyn: Israel’s Impunity Endangers Us All
from #MiddleEastEye #MEE
Mixed messages on #Israel and #Palestine. What it was like at the #LabourParty conference
In rainy #Liverpool, party leaders left attendees confused about the government's foreign policy priorities, all while insisting that the #Corbyn era has ended
By Imran Mullah in Liverpool, #UnitedKingdom
Published date: 27 September 2024 16:35 BST
#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael
#EndTheOccupation #SettlersOut
#FreePalestine #LetGazaLive
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#IsraelWarCrimes #ArrestNetanyahuAndGallant
#Gaza #politics #MiddleEast
#UK #UKPolitics #KeirStarmer
#media #news #press @palestine @israel
#Corbyn almost won in 2017. But the #Labour party elite, rather than seizing this historic opportunity, undermined him ensuring that by the time of the 2019 GE, he received such little support a public tired of drawn-out #Brexit shenanigans readily voted for a simple man who seemed to offer simple, 'oven-ready' solutions.
#Starmer then recaptured the party, my party, by lying to it – saying he’d keep Corbyn’s manifesto but not a word of it was kept.
And you wonder why we are ANGRY
#UK #Labour #Starmer #Corbyn: "Expelled from the party, and outside the tent, Corbyn is arguably more trouble for Starmer. He now sits under his own flag, alongside four other outsiders propelled to Parliament by their opposition to austerity and trenchant criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza. And while their election campaigns weren’t coordinated, these five independents are now getting organised, announcing a formal Independent Alliance earlier this month. That makes them the fifth largest grouping in Westminster. Alongside four Green members, moreover, theirs is the largest gathering of “Left of Labour” MPs in history. What was initially an inchoate rejection of Starmer across a grab-bag of seats is becoming a national movement.
Worse still for Labour, this all began during what was supposed to be the pinnacle of Starmer’s appeal. Yet within three months of forming a government, one recent poll has Labour as low as 29%. Six-in-ten voters now say the Prime Minister can’t be trusted and, most remarkably of all, Starmer is less popular than Rishi Sunak.
Not that the Conservatives will benefit from Labour’s deepening woes. Despite his penchant for freebie designer glasses, the public still views Starmer more favourably than leader wannabes Kemi Badenoch, Robert Jenrick and James Cleverly. More broadly, the electorate remains more critical of the Tories than Labour. All those years of ineptitude haven’t been forgotten overnight."
I think #Corbyn naively thought he could also talk it through with the people smearing. Like he believed rational debate would make them see things differently.
He did a lot to appease them and threw allies under the bus in the process, and reduced his support for the Palestinian cause.
Either he thought or was advised to lessen his support in order to gain victory, or he thought making friends with the saboteurs would change them.
idk. It's baffling.
Wes Streeting said on today's #BBClauraK that, "'Jeremy #Corbyn won't be in Parliament after the next #GeneralElection."
I shall bookmark this quotation.
How the UK Security Services neutralised the country’s leading liberal newspaper: