#anticapitalism #eattherich #feedthepoor #socialism #anarchism #antifascism #antifa #communism #endhunger #endprofits #endpoverty #squattheworld #housesforall
The wealthy have never cared about helping others. Their lack of regard for other people is how they got and stayed wealthy. For thousands of years, poor folk have been conned into thinking the lords will help them, when it is always we who help each other best. #EatTheRich #IWW
@Lana and right now this is the happiest thing in my life.. :)
I've heard some political pundits and economists say that raising taxes on the wealthy won't fix the deficit, or social security, or any of the myriad financial difficulties facing the United States. I say, well, prove it. Let's try it. If it doesn't work, then I guess we'll have raised a bunch of money for the government and taken a critical first step in reducing income inequality, and all for nothing.
I'll be the first to admit I was wrong.
It really is time for an updated To Serve The Rich cookbook. The original one was put out by the Fifth Estate crew in Detroit in...the early '80s? I know there was an Eat The Rich cookbook floating around as well. But, times and tastes and ingredients change, so it's time to share our best recipes for serving the rich.
Half an acre house. They must loathe each other.
"their 26,000-square-foot Westmount mansion - so large it has its own postal code"
#NoBillionaires #TaxTheRich #EatTheRich
The fact that so many important research projects were cancelled by DOGE and NOT A SINGLE BILLIONAIRE took over the funding for (checks notes), Childhood Cancer Research for $190 million.
This is why I keep telling you how these billionaires are completely immoral.
Watch: Republican drowned out by 'tax the rich' chant at town hall in deep-red district
22 March 2025
•Turn off all lights, don't use vehicles and devices.
•Fight fossil fuels, inequality, corruption and crimes.
•We need to have more of these hours as frequently as possible, doesn't matter how imperfectly you do it.
Economic Blackouts too.
Join the discussion with us.
#gifteconomy #freeworld #eattherich #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism
#climatechange #antiwork #simpleliving #sustainableliving
#monopoly #ludophile #boardgames #NoBillionaires #TaxTheRich #EatTheRich #GuillotinesWork
Monopoly wasn't invented by the Parker Brothers, nor the man they gave it credit for. In 1904, Monopoly was originally called The Landlord's Game, and was invented by a radical woman. Elizabeth Magie's original game had not one, but two sets of rules to choose from.
See Alt-Text
YOU -- Yes, you.
You are not a temporarily embarrassed, oppressed, not yet realized, millionaire, billionaire, or future, trillionaire either.
You're a regular individual who has better chances of being struck by lighting, than waking up rich through hard work and determination. It is time you grew up, and accept that.
#EatTheRich #Wealth #WealthTax #Healthcare