More info on the nazi anti-immigrant demo described above (15.03 #Essen 12:00):
- The enemy group is JS.NRW, one of these new nazi squads with distinctly young people doing classic neonazi aesthetics. They seem to be connected to the old NPD/Die Heimat structures. https://archive.is/8VBYz
- Tensions will be further elevated due to Dynamo Dresden playing in Essen 14:00 on the same day. The fanclubs of both have a reputation for clashes, and the hooligan milieu includes right-wing factions.
- With all that going on, I think it's a safe bet that cops will be out in force too and probably doing their usual racial profiling, random detentions, bag searches etc. Do not expect safety from the cops against nazis. If you're migra expect both to actively target you.
- Beware ambushes before, after, and around the main demo areas. Travel only in groups and have a means of communication in the group.