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Replied in thread

In 1948 "civilized" western countries donated Palestinian land to Jews who "deserve" a land of their own. The idea was that Palestinians and Jews would live together in peace.

Instead, the Jewish migrants renamed the land into Isreal and excessively terrorized the Palestinians. They hunted them down, stole their land and cattle and burned their olive trees. And they discriminated, humiliated, murdered, raped, tortured and/or took them hostage to lock them up without means of communication let alone access to a lawyer.

Zionists never stopped doing that, murdering more than 70 last night.

After nobody listened and cared about the fate of the Palestinians, they started organizing and DEFENDING THEMSELVES.

Since then, "civilized" people started calling what PALESTINIANS did and do terrorism.

And now they call anyone who tells the truth an antisemite.

Before you become complicit to genocide by boosting Auschwitz propaganda, abusing Holocaust victims, please read the declaration at the bottom of auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw, which includes:

Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.

One of the board members is a former high-ranked member of the Israeli Destruction forces (auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw).

Goh, de politieke partijen (VVD, PVV, BBB, ...) die het hardst roepen dat migranten (en hun nazaten) in NEDERLAND niet goed integreren, zijn degenen die het luidst roeptoeteren dat Joodse migranten (en hun nazaten) in PALESTINA het "recht" hebben om de oorspronkelijke inwoners uit te roeien.

Iets dat begon in 1948, toen "beschaafde" westerse landjepikkers Palestina cadeau deden aan "die arme Joden". Die vervolgens, al 77 jaar lang, de inwoners van Palestina op onvoorstelbare wijze terroriseren.

Door hun land af te pakken, hun vee te stelen en hun olijfbomen in brand te steken.

En door Palestijnen te verjagen, dood te schieten of te bombarderen.

Of door hen te gijzelen (zonder recht op communicatie of een advocaat) en hen vervolgens medische zorg te ontzeggen, hen onvoldoende eten, drinken en nachtrust te gunnen, hen (nauwelijks gekleed) langdurig in de zon te laten zitten en hen te vernederen (zoals door op hen te urineren). En door hen te martelen, te verkrachten, weg te laten rotten of ordinair dood te slaan.

Palestijnen, waar niemand naar wilde luisteren, zijn zichzelf gaan verdedigen tegen de Israëlische terreur (wat zou u doen?). Vervolgens zijn Israëliërs hén terroristen gaan noemen. Velen in het westen kakelen dat na. Ook ik ben járen in die propaganda getrapt.

De meeste politieke partijen steunen Israël, bijvoorbeeld door samen met jankJoden (wolven in schaapskleren) opzettelijk antizionisme met antisemitisme te verwarren.

Bijvoorbeeld uit ja21.nl/videos/douglas-murray-:

7 juni 2024
Het toenemende antisemitisme in de westerse wereld is een probleem dat dringend geadresseerd moet worden. JA21 doet dat. Daarom organiseerden wij zaterdag 1 juni een symposium met Douglas Murray, Esther Voet, David Suurland, Machteld Allan, Hans Wallage en Boaz Cahn. Zie hier de volledige speech van Douglas Murray (Engels).

De corrupte oorlogsmisdadiger hieronder legt nog eens uit wat jankJoden tegenwoordig onder antisemitisme verstaan.

P.S. Antisemitisme, haat jegens Joden zonder aanzien des persoons (puur gebaseerd op vooroordelen), is wat tot de WWII Holocaust leidde. Malloten die de definitie van antisemitisme naar hun eigen hand te zetten (en zelfs mensen als Dieuwertje Blok [1] een "antisemiet" noemen), ontnemen de Holocaust van haar aanleiding, en verloochenen daarmee miljoenen onschuldige oorlogsslachtoffers.

En dus zei Francesca Albanese: “you can make up your own definition” of antisemitism (jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.).

Kennelijk is het bagatelliseren van de Holocaust nog niet strafbaar genoeg.

[1] eajg.nl/in-memoriam-dieuwertje

My name is Mahmoud Khalil and I am a political prisoner. I am writing to you from a detention facility in Louisiana where I wake to cold mornings and spend long days bearing witness to the quiet injustices underway against a great many people precluded from the protections of the law.

Who has the right to have rights? It is certainly not the humans crowded into the cells here.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

A woman in a black hijab holds a sign reading "PROTEST IS OUR RIGHT" during an outdoor protest in support of detained Mahmoud Khalil
Truthout · “I Am a Political Prisoner,” Writes Mahmoud Khalil From ICE JailIn the weeks ahead, students, advocates and elected officials must unite to defend the right to protest for Palestine.

🇨🇦 Thank you to these 29 Liberal, NDP & Green MPs for calling on Canada to “enforce a strong two-way arms embargo without exceptions or loopholes,” among other measures. Urgent action is necessary to halt the escalating violence and protect the Palestinian people from genocide.


#canada #montreal #toronto
#Gaza #tiktok #cdnpoli
#Palestine #Syria #iran
#lebanon #Genocide #geopolitics
@palestine @lebanon @yemen @irannachrichten @blackmastodon

Replied in thread

@Sfwmson @peachfront 22.7% of the population not realistic.22.1% voted Harris.

numbers pinned to my profile.
recap: the biggest group are qualified eligible nonvoters, 26% or so. These are worth study to Segment:

chronic nonvoters targeted for removal from voter rolls,

#puritytest single issue anti-dem nonvoters (from #Gaza to #transgender folks in women’s sports)

Always voted R just won’t

Always voted D, won’t

Had a hangnail that day

What election?

Replied in thread

In 1948 "civilized" western countries donated Palestinian land to Jews who "deserve" a land of their own. The idea was that Palestinians and Jews would live together in peace.

Instead, the Jewish migrants renamed the land into Isreal and excessively terrorized the Palestinians. They hunted them down, stole their land and cattle and burned their olive trees. And they discriminated, humiliated, murdered, raped, tortured and/or took them hostage to lock them up without means of communication let alone access to a lawyer.

Zionists never stopped doing that.

After nobody listened and cared about the fate of the Palestinians, they started organizing and DEFENDING THEMSELVES.

Since then, "civilized" people started calling what PALESTINIANS did and do terrorism.

And now they call anyone who tells the truth an antisemite.

Before you become complicit to genocide by boosting Auschwitz propaganda, abusing Holocaust victims, please read the declaration at the bottom of auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw, which includes:

Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.

One of the board members is a former high-ranked member of the Israeli Destruction forces (auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschw).

New boycott target! All Unilever products!

New buying target (if it wasn’t already your favourite brand) buy all the Ben and Jerry’s!

Unilever is trying to fire the Ben and Jerry’s CEO for “political activism” around both #Trump and #Gaza!

#fascism #benandJerry #bds

Tubs of Ben & Jerry's ice cream in a store freezer in London, UK.
www.bbc.comBen & Jerry's claims Unilever ousted its boss over political activismIce cream maker alleges the move is part of efforts by its parent company to silence its activism

#Gaza “plunged back into a world of fear and death”

Deadly Israeli airstrikes have killed over 400 people in Gaza with hundreds of others injured. It follows on from Israel's two week blockade preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid, and cutting off electricity supplies. Shocked by the attacks, Peace campaigners in Orkney will be holding a vigil on Saturday 22 March on the Kirk Green, outside St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall between…


The Cathedral in the background and in front are those attending the vigil and the names of those killed
The Orkney News · #Gaza “plunged back into a world of fear and death”Deadly Israeli airstrikes have killed over 400 people in Gaza with hundreds of others injured. It follows on from Israel’s two week blockade preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid, and c…