New paper shows that moth numbers are reduced in areas with higher levels of #skyglow compared to areas with lower levels of skyglow, regardless of whether one is near streetlights or not:
New paper shows that moth numbers are reduced in areas with higher levels of #skyglow compared to areas with lower levels of skyglow, regardless of whether one is near streetlights or not:
In addition to photography, I use my skills in photo-manip/digital art to tell a story. Created 2014 NOT AI! See Vid below.
Children are given the benediction of "Sweet Dreams" at bedtime. Here I present a child's imagination turning a toy boat into a dreamship to sail celestial seas. Imagination & dreams can take you anywhere you choose to set sail.
A Star to Steer By --
it falls on me with
reckless abandon not a
care for the chaos
#DailyHaikuPrompt - 3/22/25 - #night
In velvet darkness
I count syllables and wait
For the dawn to break
A winter night in the boreal forest near Fairbanks, Alaska. The full moon lights up the snow-covered ground, casting deep shadows from the spruce and willows. Ice crystals on the surface catch the light, sparkling in the still, cold air. This is easily one of my favorite (non-aurora) night images!
“The anonymous, liminal spaces in my paintings echo the feeling of never fully belonging,” painter Keita Morimoto says in a statement.
I took this photo last week in the Rhön.
Early in the year, the Milky Way is still flat above the horizon and is perfect for panoramas. Later in the year, the Milky Way becomes more and more vertical above the horizon.
A grandiose view of the Milky Way stretches across a clear night sky, revealing countless stars over the quiet desert of Death Valley, California.
Single shot, December 04, 2024
Und noch ein Motiv vom Greetsieler Hafen zum #StatuenSamstag