was there a memory card for the #psx that had a digital display like the #dreamcast? i'd never seen that before... #retrogaming
was there a memory card for the #psx that had a digital display like the #dreamcast? i'd never seen that before... #retrogaming
King’s Valley es un viejo conocido; no en vano la versión para #MSX fue uno de los mayores éxitos de Konami
Pero los chicos de Retroworks lo han hecho de nuevo y lo han adaptado al #ZXSpectrum
Más detalles en https://pulsaunatecla.es/2015/09/25/kings-valley-version-zx-spectrum/ #retrogaming #videojuegos
Beavis & Butthead (SNES) - Ready to Rock (PicoGUS) #MIDI #RetroGaming
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. According to legend he cast out snakes from Ireland. Well I cast out… whatever it was that has kept this NeoGeo Pocket (the greatest handheld console of all time, btw) from working these last, uh, 25 years or so.
So guess who’s playing SNK vs Capcom the rest of the day?
"Don't let them stand between you and anything."
This ones from a weekly challenge. I am really trying hard to press on to my study of perspective and dynamic angles. I think its working!
The Neglected Digital Pet is the only bag charm I currently have left in stock, and there’s only one!
Here to tap into the nostalgic excitement and anticipation of seeing your new digital pet’s egg hatch, this handmade felt goodie has colours inspired by the purple GameCube controller!
Adopt it https://evanskyarts.com/en/products/potential-digital-pet-bag-charm
Back in 1995 I had no chance owning Sega Saturn Most folks I knew, who owned gaming consoles, pretty much jumped from
Mega Drive (Genesis) to Sony PlayStation 1
- there hasn't been many (if any)
units around in Lithuania back then
Yet Sega Saturn is awesome console with CD tray (for game discs) and cartridge slot (mainly used to extend memory). Joystics still feels top: inheriting shape and layout from Mega Drive
Can you spot 10 differences in this photo?
awesome: Beastie/Leon McNeill just open sourced their Ultima III colour Macintosh port, all written in Think C!
This is the "Lairware" version that was sold at lairware.com, and received many updates over the years - eventually gaining OS X/Intel 32-bit support. The source appears to be an Xcode project with a mix of think C and cocoa.
great job, Leon!
This will make the heart of any Commodore 64 user beat faster…
A section of Rob Hubbard's brilliant Monty on the Run game chiptune performed live on guitar:
@aaronsgiles Yes you cannot get through GOGs support. I think we need an inside contact.
Anyone knows someone from the internal GOG team and can make a connection?
X-Wing Alliance is broken too.
#GOG #GoodOldGames #Retrogaming #MS-DOS #Win95 #Win98 #LucasArts
In Richard Garriott's DND1 written in BASIC in 1977, I thought this bit of code was interesting.
It would be Death Saves for HP in more modern discourse.
If the characters's HP are 0, the character survives if their CONSTITUTION is 9 or above.
If the characters' HP are below 0, the character survives if their CONSTITUTION is 9 or above, but they lose 2 points of CONSTITUTION and gain 1 hit point.
This was only 3 or 4 years after D&D had been introduced to the world.
Of course, I could not leave out a still full character shot of Phi's form "rage".
I did this as a study for a weekly challenge last week but its intention was for today.
Happy Birthday Phi. Thanks for dragging me into the pro art world. I would be lost without you!
I was not able to finish what I wanted for my OC's birthday. Phi means the world to me but work has been a slog (why does GDC have to be this month...)
Here are some shots of what exactly I am working on though. I hope to have a refined preview video soon!
I'm not entirely surprised—I’ve noticed that old digital watches tend to run faster over time. I have a few vintage models from the '70s and '80s that have noticeably picked up speed with age. I always assumed this was due to the natural aging of quartz crystal resonators, but perhaps there’s more to it than that. Could there be another factor at play?
Update: must have been some glitch with console itself - rewritten SAROO v0.7 (latest) firmware to SD card, changed battery, reset Sega Saturn console - it works now
General idea is such that removing cartridge boots original firmware. When cartridge is inserted - one from it. So the cartridge is not supposed to do any damage to console itself
I finally assembled a racking setup that allowed me to get all the CRT TVs organized - except for the two in the house for active use.
All of them are rescues, and many still need more thorough testing or calibration, but they're all shelved and accessible now.
One day, I'm hoping to do an interesting combined display with it, like Matrix-style raining text or something kinda spooky for Halloween trick-or-treaters.
Another in the long line of well obsolete tech I adore is my love of the #SEGA #Dreamcast VMU cards.
The tech and hardware community being what it is managed some time back to hack them into proper #HandheldGaming machines and each time I search them I find more being done with them!
It isn't easy, but they look amazing - and I'm sure far more dependable than most #SBCGaming handhelds.
#RetroGaming on legit retro devices? Yes plz. Also the #design is pure magic to me (𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵)