#WhatWereReading : Joe loved
John Wiswell's delightful fantasy with dark humour, and a lovely monster in love with a human romance (queer, cross-species romance!), Someone You Can Build a Nest In, from Arcadia / Quercus. Smile-inducing reading.
#WhatWereReading : Joe loved
John Wiswell's delightful fantasy with dark humour, and a lovely monster in love with a human romance (queer, cross-species romance!), Someone You Can Build a Nest In, from Arcadia / Quercus. Smile-inducing reading.
#WhatWereReading : Joe recommends Omar El Akkad's One Day, Everyone Will Always Have Been Against This from Canongate
Not comfortable reading, but it is incredibly *important* reading for today's world, and raises issues we should all be thinking about.
WhatWereReading : some of the books the EB gang have been enjoying and recommending recently.
#WhatWereReading : Joe loves Scottish #comics creator Dave Cook, Clark Bint & Craig Paton's Killtopia, now all in a spiffing complete hardback collection from Titan Comics!
Comics cyberpunk in Neo Tokyo, with mechas, huge fun!