Durdraw 0.29.0 has been released! New features include Durview, (an artpack viewer with 16colo.rs integration), custom character sets, better handling of large files, and more. Check it out at https://github.com/cmang/durdraw
Durdraw 0.29.0 has been released! New features include Durview, (an artpack viewer with 16colo.rs integration), custom character sets, better handling of large files, and more. Check it out at https://github.com/cmang/durdraw
ABC shut down FiveThirtyEight, once an amazing site for data-driven journalism and sports analysis.
I loved incorporating 538's data into old-school #retrocomputing and BBS projects, like my ANSI "Elex Forecast" BBS door. It used data from their 2016 and 2020 Election Forecast visualizations.
FANSI had its own file format -- .FAN -- which I'm hoping to write a parser for.
I learned something new today from Eric March about the .FAN format.
The first ~6K is character data -- every character, along with its FG and BG color, for the 80 columns and 24 lines.
But the final 30K is bitmap data -- a full screen dump of the image as it is displayed in the editor.
Recently I've been working on a fork of libansilove and ansilove-c that adds support for using fonts and color palettes derived from the Atari ST programs ANSIterm and FANSI.
FANSI was a really slick ANSI editor for the ST from Eric March.
It was a godsend to me as a teen when it was released in 1994. Finally I had a way to draw my own ANSI art in the full 16 colors.
If only it had come out a few years earlier!
In 2021, I did a #furry #ZZT #cyberpunk action/puzzle game, "Cyber Purge". In 2024, I overhauled it for itch.io! Become a nonbinary hacker and rescue an immersive VR game from a fascist! Old-school shooting/puzzle-solving await!
I was caught on my way to the rave club (https://chitter.xyz/@TheGreenHerring/113743258454380314), now I've been caught inside of it! Here's my first work of art for 2025, capturing me dancing that night away!
Celebrate the new year with a fun new artpack: IGNITE 01!
This pack celebrates "Instant Graphics and Sound," a unique Atari ST-specific corner of BBS history, with 18 new images and animations for your viewing pleasure.
Download the pack from @mistfunk:
Learn more about it at Break Into Chat:
I hope tonight Santa can avoid getting entangled in the U.S.S. Enterprise's transporter beam.
Here for your viewing pleasure is "Star Trek: The Trouble With The Rangifer Tarandus," a short holiday ANSImation I made for Blocktronics a while back.
Mistodon: the northerly home country of @littlebitspace, the #ANSIart illustrator of today's date in last year's ADVENT23 #AdventCalendar, also lays claim to Santa Claus. But if you don't know your flags, you may not be able to see the forest for the trees.
Mistodon: As we mentioned previously, for the second year in a row, we at the Mistigris computer art collective have compiled and shared an executable #ANSIart #AdventCalendar to be enjoyed as part of the December lead-up to Christmas. This festive image, by turns jolly and grim, is @littlebitspace 's FILE_ID artwork to this year's ADVENT24 calendar program.
Enjoying thE grAvY trAIn on the BBS Multi Relay Chat! @meatlotion
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" THIS SATURDAY at 20:00 UTC!
If you've done 6 impossible things this week, why not round it off with a trip onboard "thE grAvY trAIn" TONIGHT at 20:00 UTC!