Thick smear of red hats
Industrial processed hate.
Sardines in a sham.
Thick smear of red hats
Industrial processed hate.
Sardines in a sham.
gust-thrown trash
collects in the fence
dividing us
#DailyHaikuPrompt (gusty) #haiku #senryu #poetry #WritingCommunity
@moonrabbit @BrambleBearWhuffling @Outis
First cup finally!!!
Fire lazing, pot now buzzing.
Good heat to make toast.
@moonrabbit @BrambleBearWhuffling @Outis
Snow-damp wood, slow fire,
Water pot sits silently.
Coffee yet a dream.
inter aliaj, eteta narcisaro… eĉ ne indas flar' / among others, a tiny bunch of daffodils… not even worth a sniff #hajko #haiku #esperanto
Cheyenne rancher cursed
the wind, the damn wind
and the goddamn wind
#DailyHaikuPrompt - gusty / willows
#WritingCommunity #poetry #haiku
Garbage and ash gusts
Through my soul with heart string howls.
The quiet is worse.
A sketch of despair.
#DailyHaikuPrompt Gusty
Daily Haiku Prompt (@dailyhaik...
a gusty wind
the clotheshorse in the garden
starts walking
#dailyhaikuprompt - gusty
Ils ont virevolté
Toute la journée
Les blancs flocons de prunier
mood indigo blue
I enter to wagging tails
front door nirvana
#MastoPrompt - #indigo
#DailyHaikuPrompt - #nirvana
Funeral of Cold Days
Winter's dead wood, stripped
to the bones of earth, in hope
of beauty renewed.
© Simon J Ashcroft, 2025
hound dog rescue
companion in genesis
#DailyHaikuPrompt - nirvana / pumpkin
#WritingCommunity #poetry #haiku
Full moon is trending,
Luminous out of the shade,
Just a passing phase.
to the bookstore
#haiku #poetry
#DailyHaikuPrompt - Nirvana
a dream fulfilled
a foretaste of
#dailyhaikuprompt - azalea mollis
@dailyhaikuprompt #dailyhaikuprompt
-Full Moon
A naked goddess,
Bathes the night in eerie blue,
Save for drifting clouds.
winter wind-
camellia blossoms have fixed
their make-up
-Kobayashi Issa, 1824.
Trans. David G. Lanoue.
Although predominantly considered a winter plant, camellias can be seen blooming for a large part of the year (from late fall to mid-spring)
Seasons turn, but Spring
may not take all that Winter
held, to grow again.
© Simon J Ashcroft, 2025
Daily Haiku Prompt for March 14, 2025: full moon (North / South)
Full moon—
the way she smiles at me
in clear water.
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#DailyHaikuPrompt #vsspoem #haiku #poetry #poetrycommunity #vss365 #WritingCommunity #poem #writing #micropoetry