@dougmerritt @northernlights @kentpitman @SDF @nosrednayduj @sacha @hairylarry @pkw @rat @pizzapal
Thanks for the incredible #interview and episode Kent Pitman and everyone ! Lots of #lisp #emacs #teco #programming #lore #unique #historicalNotes
(One hour)
Please do ping Kent (and me!) about topics you are particularly interested in Kent following up on in later interviews, or releasing from his personal software stockpiles.
Every week 0UTC Wednesadys on anonradio
New episode is out now! The #constellation #Lynx isn't associated with a specific Greco-Roman myth, but this episode features:
an exploration of lynx #lore & #legends across ancient cultures
a new segment called 'Wax Poetic,' where we try to invent myths for this constellation
Oracle AI nonsense
And more!
Listen here: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/lynx-myth-and-retconstellations/
#GoblinWeek Day4
Offering a gift and passing through the crook will bring you fortune (so says Thei). A gift of bread brings health, a gift of garb brings love, and a gift of coin brings wealth.
A standup business, for sure.
New #podcast is out now!
Join us as we discuss the #myths & #lore of the #constellations Ursa Major & Ursa Minor: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/ursae-myths-and-retconstellations/
Tomorrow morning, our #podcast on the #myths and #lore of the #constellations Ursa Major & Ursa Minor will drop!
We're starting the season strong with some Daddy Z drama!
Keep a look out here & wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/
Getting more ideas again and now wanting to bring back another retired character that haven't done much with since the early 2010s and once had an off shoot story starring them at one time
Aka tuggles the animatronic orange cat
Also based on my stuffed animal or plushie grandma given to me as a kid I lost and rebought later on and needs a wash and a revamped
Also the idea of entertainment and commercial machines
Howard may also be the first ever these types of machines ( aka hes a ' stud unit '), and as a result seems himself as ground zero for this technology and is trying to monopolize on it
and has
aka he's the one profiting off the technology as he stole it from chrax
which means howard is like the disney company and is trying to ' own ' everything related to the idea
and since he is basically immortal he forever owns it and the copyright will never expire.
And yes basically tuggles is an animatronic entertainment animal before FNAF was a thing.|
For more on this giant, world saving (destroying?) swan, check out Jordan's retcon(stellation) of the #mythology of the #constellation #Cygnus: https://starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/e/cygnus-myths-and-retconstellations/
Man, Obsidian is a phenomenal way to create a personal, offline wiki. I'm currently migrating all of the wiki notes for my book into this, since I've never been comfortable having my work on an online wiki I don't control (even if it's not visible to the public).
I'm really enjoying the way this software works. It makes the process almost painless, it has a brilliant GUI and I can easily sync the database via any cloud provider.
If you're a writer who has a large collection of lore or backstories, definitely consider looking into it!
Week 4 of #Swordtember2024 Overgrown gothic. Found in the ruins of a temple to a long-forgotten god, the blade seems to be made from the same stone as a building. This stone holds an edge unlike anything I’ve seen, and the blade is still sharp.
#ttrpg #TTRPGArt #WeaponDesign #Lore #MastoArt #FediArt #ArtistOnMastodon #DigitalArt #HumanArtist #Writing #ShortStory
I write complex #DarkElf #Fantasy. My tone & tropes weave a broad tapestry with huge #Lore & #Worldbuilding #AFeatureNotABug.
Sensual #DarkElves face off with each other with #Politicalintrigue #Demons & #Dragons #Necromancer #WalkingDead #Dwarves in #EpicBattle.
Try my #Prequel !
#Free w/ newsletter: https://etaski.com/sister-seekers/
#Buy https://books2read.com/b/bznGrn
#Books #Bookstodon #Erotic #DarkFantasy #EpicFantasy #FoundFamily #DnD
@bookstadon @bookstadon @ttrpg @fantasy @horror
#vtuber #lore #introduction:
I am Kali, Dame-Armiger of House Ranya.
I hail from the kingdom Shriyan, on Pentra, a world of strife and magic populated by the anthropomorphic animals called "theri".
In my younger years, I fought for church and crown as the fierce Huntress Knight, full of zeal and the drive to strike down the unrepentant. But in time my eyes opened, and I turned my back on the crusader way.
I now seek to atone, lending my sword in defense of the marginalized as a knight-errant.
Here's my #Introduction on #Mastodon
I'm an author and illustrator specialising in #weird, #uncanny, #lore, #liminal #noir #hauntology #forteana, #horror & #anomaly.
I'm the creator (& now retired soothsayer) of #FolkHorrorRevival. Also created #UrbanWyrd Project & #NorthumbriaGhostloreSociety
I like #cats #hats #coffee, #nature #books, #films #documentaries & #music - especially #DarkJazz , #Drone #Cinematic , #DarkAmbient and other atmospheric #Instrumental
I am also a home-carer
Considerato l'interesse crescente per BookWyrm (grazie a #lore e #gattininja), vorrei segnalare che è possibile contribuire alla traduzione del progetto utilizzando
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