#anticapitalism #eattherich #feedthepoor #climate #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #climaterefugees #refugee #refugees #xr #planetearth
"A Hmong American woman who has lived in the Milwaukee area since she was 8 months old was deported last week to Laos, a country she has never visited, and says she is stranded in a rooming house surrounded by military guards."
Judge blocks #Trump attempt to stop #refugee admissions for now
U.S. District Judge Jamal Whitehead in Seattle called the presidential #ExecutiveOrder an “improper nullification of congressional authority”
[no doubt; now convince the #Republicans in #Congress]
A federal district judge in Washington state will enjoy the #refugee admissions related funding, freeze recently announced by the administration. This is fantastic, although temporary, news to the thousands of refugees in this country left without resources after their arrival, and even greater number of refugees stuck in foreign lands, some of whom had already sold all of their possessions because the government had provided a date for their entry into the United States.
In issuing, the TRO, the judge indicated that he has very serious concerns that the administration had in fact, exceeded its authority here, and perhaps also violated the administrative procedures act. That is very good news for # refugees for now, but of course much will depend on what happens on appeal.
During his first term, #Trump introduced a "zero tolerance" policy that led to the separation of migrant #children from their parents at the #border. The children were sent to children's shelters run by the Office of #Refugee Resettlement (ORR), a government agency housed within the #HHS, while their parents were detained or deported.
#Norwich welcomes #Paddington!
Can’t help but notice no mention is made of this iconic bear’s #refugee status though.
Norwich likes to trade on its literature status as a City of Stories, but I would like more made of the fact we are also a City of Sanctuary. We need to highlight that fact more than ever in today’s febrile climate.
To be a #refugee is to have been forced to flee your home country for your own safety. To acknowledge someone as a refugee and then deny them citizenship due to their manner of arrival in the UK is an unethical move designed solely to appeal to #Reform voters.
#Starmer was a practising human rights lawyer…maybe he would enjoy the company of Aung San Suu Kyi.
Help Syrian refugees stuck in Greece
The Office of Refugee Resettlement, or #ORR, at the Dept of Health & Human Services [#HHS], which maintains the database, is responsible for caring for unaccompanied #minors taken into #US custody along the border. The #refugee agency then identifies & screens potential sponsors who can take custody of the #teens & #children — often close relatives living in the US — to get them out of government shelters.
#Trump admin wants access to database of #immigrant #minors
The Office of #Refugee #Resettlement [#ORR], which is responsible for caring for unaccompanied minors, has long operated independently of #ICE.
The Trump admin is seeking to grant US #immigration officers access to databases that contain info on hundreds of thousands of immigrant #teens & #children who crossed into the #UnitedStates w/o parents, WH border czar TomHoman told WaPo Fri.
#law #Trump
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I am receiving lot of replies from panicking Americans asking about refugee status in Canada.
I am very sorry to say it is not that simple due to the agreement with the US, please see the link below to Canadian government website for an explanation.
If you come here without documentation you will be deported.
Also immigrating to Canada takes over two years with a good immigration lawyer, if you can find one that is not too busy.
That's all without even mentioning the devastating effects on the dedicated resettlement professionals all over the country—working long hours for low pay—whose source of income is now in jeopardy. But worse, they are now required to sit and watch as the families (many with small children and elderly adults) they've been caring for are put in imminent danger of #homelessness and #foodInsecurity.
HOW TO HELP: call your representative in Congress and the Senate. Right now. Tell them that you cannot tolerate this cruelty. Then call your state's refugee coordinator's office and ask them to do what they can to support refugees in your state.
And again, please consider supporting #HIAS and your local #refugee #resettlement agencies directly. https://hias.org/donate
OK well #CNN has the story, so I can talk about this now.
The administration has ordered all #refugee #resettlement work in the country to stop immediately. A refugee family that arrived on Thursday and was placed into a hotel until longer term housing could be identified would today, Saturday, be homeless.
I remind everyone that refugees are not here "illegally". They've gone through a years-long process of application and vetting that resulted in their admittance to this country. As part of that process, the US agrees to provide support and assistance when they first arrive—help that has now been prematurely terminated, in violation of our commitments.
Expect this cruel and illegal action to be challenged in court as early as Monday. Please support #HIAS or your local resettlement agency so they can continue their critically important work.
#immigration #CBP #ICE #StateDept #Afghanistan #Ukraine #foreignaid
The #State Dept abruptly canceled travel for thousands of #refugees already approved to fly to the #UnitedStates, days before a deadline that #Trump had set for suspending the #resettlement program that provides #SafeHaven for people fleeing persecution.
The cancellation of the flights comes on the heels of an #ExecutiveOrder signed by Trump on Monday that indefinitely paused the #refugee resettlement.
Another is related to the government’s #refugee programs. 4 yrs ago, #Biden revoked one of #Trump’s 2017 orders to greatly increase the security vetting of refugees applying to resettle in the US.
Trump signs an executive order designating cartel organizations as “foreign terrorist organizations.” Trump says Mexico will probably not be happy with the order.
#Trump rescinded a #Biden #ExecutiveOrder that directed the federal govt to rebuild the US #refugee program. Refugee admissions will be suspended for at least 4 months.
2 of the 78 rescissions Trump announced restore #immigration orders that Biden revoked through EO 4yrs ago. One addresses civil immigration enforcement. In 2017,Trump issued an order to strengthen immigration enforcement inside the country & to withhold funds from local agencies that refuse to cooperate w/immigration enforcement.
#Trump #ExecutiveOrder will attempt to end #birthright #citizenship
The incoming president plans to take at least 10 actions related to the #border or #immigration, including ramping up #deportations & suspending #refugee resettlement.
#law #unconstitutional #constitution #CivilRights #HumanRights #WhiteSupremacy
Information and #Misinformation coming out about the #Madgeburg #Germany #terrorist attack.
Suspect is not #Islamic, but #Islamophobic, nor was he a recent #immigrant or #refugee. Seems to be a psychiatrist who immigrated in the 2000s, before the current refugee crises, and was disgruntled over #HateSpeech laws and "the left" preventing him from spreading #islamophobia. Posted pro #AfD stuff on the internet, very clearly right-leaning, and also very clearly mentally ill.
Unsure how the #ChristmasMarket plays into this, as he openly hated #islam and not #christianity, but the whole thing seems to be the result of untreated mental illness.
On that note, reminder that the vast majority of mentally ill people, especially those of us who get into some sort of treatment, do not commit crimes. The few who commit these violent crimes seem to predominantly have gone deep down far-right rabbitholes, where they are radicalized and encouraged to commit these violent acts.
Wow. The situation has reversed.
Please share this sad news.
Canada warns claiming asylum is ‘not easy’ with new global ad campaign
[Canada’s refugee system faces a 260,000-case backlog amid growing global displacement. The government has little control over who claims asylum.]
"Once presenting itself as one of the world’s most welcoming countries to refugees and immigrants, Canada is launching a global online ad campaign cautioning asylum-seekers that making a claim is hard.
The C$250,000 ($178,662) in advertisements will run through March in 11 languages, including Spanish, Urdu, Ukrainian, Hindi and Tamil, the immigration department told Reuters. They are part of a broader shift in tone by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s unpopular government on immigration and an effort to clamp down on refugee claims."
Search queries such as “how to claim asylum in Canada” and “refugee Canada” will prompt sponsored content titled “Canada’s asylum system – Asylum Facts,” the ministry said.
“Claiming asylum in Canada is not easy. There are strict guidelines to qualify. Find out what you need to know before you make a life-changing decision,” one ad reads.
#News #Canada #Immigration #Refugee