@rycuda - Yeah indeed. SP at its heart is about hope, thinking about a better future and working towards that better future.
That's it. Simple.
Extrapolated out, you get to "use technology towards a specific goal and within sustainable and ethical constraints to address the needs of humanity" and "social justice for all".
Attempting to address both of those and how is where we're at right now.
So many have looked towards already established means, methods, and systems to see what we can use as is or slightly tweaked and many look towards new systems (or upgrated and updated systems).
One thing that I love, is it specifically DOES NOT attempt to create a "one size fits all" sort of monoculture. In fact, the opposite - decentralized and tailored to different populations, cultures, and environments is really important and core.
Heck even in farming monoculture is decried whereas guerilla gardening, decentralized home gardening, and food forests / permaculture reign as the desired methodology instead of massive corporate single crops, etc.
A wide diversity in approach and practice is the way.
So with that you'll have many different, sometimes competing, approaches and it still fits under the umbrella of #solarpunk.