Hello Mastodon,
Here's my #introduction post.
Former #graphicdesigner and #webdeveloper at #OpenSourcePublishing, I gradually turned my practice to #textiledesign. Still exploring free and open source software, programming but in relation to many textile techniques.
My main practice is #knitting, #machineknitting and #visiblemending. But I love to explore any #fiberarts related #technique.
In 2020, I joined the #textile #fablab @GreenFabric in #brussels where I like to build / #hack #machines for textile.
In 2024, I joined the #Fabricademy programme ( #textile and #technology) where I made digitally knitted garments to bypass #CCTV #facerecognition.
I am now a Fabricademy instructor!
A little picture as intro: My Mother was a Computer. Title borrowed from media theoretician Katherine N. Hayles. This is the opening piece of a series of knitted portraits of women who played a major role in the history of computing.
I'm super happy to find back my old family here in Lurk/Mastodon (you know who you are :) ).