Do you realize this contains Nazi Inversion, a very disgusting antisemitic trope?
This antisemitic jerk harassed me then blocked me before I could report.
Could someone else please do so for me?
User is saying that I'm a Russian (I'm not; I've never even been to Russia), that I've been expelled from the US and Britan- I haven't.
This post claims that I'm not a "Real Jew" but that I'm a "Fake Jew", and that these "Fake Rich Jews" control the world, except the US, Britain and Russia I guess?
(I'm not Israeli either btw- and I have had a DNA test showing I'm a Jew).
The "semites" thing is part of the antisemitic "Khazar Hypothesis", again.
And engages in Holocaust Inversion.
The user has the post followers only so it's hard to see, unless you're me or one of their followers (so I can't archive it), but let's go ahead and make sure the instance knows about it anyway.
Harassing the Auschwitz memorial account
“It’s almost as if Jews want to be known as an untrustworthy child mutilating genocidal cult wallowing in self pity while murdering hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the name of a fever dream.”
I once saw a video along the lines of "From the River to the Sea in their own words" which showed Palestinians confirming that River to the Sea means no Jews.
But i can't find this video anymore.
Does anyone know the video I'm tlaking about?
Harassing the Auschwitz account
According to this guy, Jews didn't learn their lesson during the Holocaust and so )))we((( should take their "ethnostate" away.
(don't forget to report, as well as boost)
Account that talks about "The Zionist Entity" (is that even a dog whistle, or is it just straight up hate speech?) saying that they, not Jews, should decide what is part of Judaism, and what is and isn't antisemitism.
An actual reminder from a Jew. 80% of Jews are Zionists.
Whether a Jew is a Zionist or not, when non-Jews decide that they can speak for Jews and invert weaponized antisemitism, that's hate speech.
Using the "Good Jew, Bad Jew" trope is gross and hateful.
If you follow this person, don’t. Also, please report them. #FediAntisemitism #Antisemitism #WTF
As someone who is highly critical of both Netanyahu and of Mark Zuckerberg, I still think this post is the moral equivalent of using the ((( )))
Nazi Inversion is wrong. Period. End stop. There is no more excuse for it than there is for any other form of hate speech.
One can talk about what's going on in Gaza without invoking the Holocaust, just as one can talk about other tragedies without invoking hate speech.
One may be ignorant of Holocaust or Nazi Inversion, but my experience on the Fediverse is that in most cases, people double down, just as this person has done when I pointed it out.
(please boost, and more importantly, report- especially as this is a German instance).
There are many terrible human tragedy around the world. The Assad regime killed more Arabs, hundreds of thousands, than Israeli has ever been accused of, and yet it's it "funny" how the example that always comes up is the event where half the entire Jewish population was murdered.
Or they could talk about the many events in Africa, including the Rwandan. But no....
Isn't it "funny" how quick gentiles are to use the blood spilled by my family- and I do mean MY family- to prop up their argument or agenda. How they can't think of ANY other event, or ANY other thing to bring up than Holocaust Inversion.
If you really don't know why this is antisemitic, this is your wakeup call.
If you continue, then you're doing it knowingly.
Nothing like a nice cup of coffee and Holocaust Inversion in the morning eh?
So much false history, dog whistles, and pure antisemitism:
"White European colonialist settler"
1.Jews are not White. Europeans have always made that very clear to us, including us European born Jews (like myself).
2. Most Israeli Jews (>~65%) are non-Ashkenazi, they're Sephardi/Mizrahi, Ethopian, or another ethnicity.
3. You can't be a "colonial settler" on your own homeland.
"which has been their home for over 1000 years"
4. Except when it's been taken from us time and time again, from Italy, to Spain, England, Germany, Russia... Jews don't count.
" steal land and resources from brown people,
5. We're as "white" as is convent for him in the moment.
"because their imaginary friend said it was okay"
6. Let him say that about other indigenous groups...Gross.
"AIPAC gives the US politicians fat bribes"
7. Good old fashioned "Jews control the government"
(pls boost and report)
Kape Technologies is a British company.
Teddy Sagi splits his time between living in London and Dubai, so what this post is really about is boycotting Jews.