Giving #DryJanuary a go? Check out our #soda #hopwater #bottlecap and #NA #beercan #earrings
Giving #DryJanuary a go? Check out our #soda #hopwater #bottlecap and #NA #beercan #earrings
Hey #conlang enthusiasts, I've got a student who wants to do a senior honours project on the perception of the phonology of #conlangs. He needs speakers of #Dothraki, #Dovahzul, and #Na'vi to record some stimuli. If you've ever played around with learning these languages, and would be interested in recording yourself producing sentences for my student to use in an experiment, please respond here, pm me, make contact in some way!
Boosts welcome!
We also have gifts for those observing #DryJanuary or prefer non alcoholic beverages