The year is 1993, it was either a car or Macintosh PowerBook, so here’s me taking the metro with the latter.
(Haha, new #MARCHintosh acquisition! PowerBook 145B, with an intermittent display, TBD, but it was $50, very pristine and en canadien français).
My first 68k PowerBook!
I found quite an uncommon hardware extension in this PowerBook 170 – an external video output. Perhaps I can use this to teach my courses next summer – maybe with slides in Hypercard?
Fantastic! #TotallyNormalComputing
Booting #MacOS9 Installer from USB, and without even touching #OpenFirmware. I really like the community for this kind of service!
'Mac OS 9.2.2 "boot kit" for booting your G3/G4 from an USB stick' by that-ben on Macintosh Repository just works out of the box! On a #powerpc #G3 #ibook with USB1.
And it was kinda fast to boot and install too. My #Powerbook got some company now!.
Wait a minute. ENHANCE. The top of the screen says PowerPC and the label says 190cs, and the motherboard has the 040 board. So it’s a PowerBook 5300 screen with the PowerBook 190cs stickers. Someone was birthing their own frankenMac. Flip, if this is the TFT version of the LCD, I’m going to run around my garden like a mad man! #frankenMac #powerbook #retrocomputing
So, a PowerBook 190cs fell into my lap today (no, that wasn’t the cause of the damage) and needless to say, I couldn’t say no. I mean, what if it had already been upgraded to a 5300cs, or its hard drive contained rare unarchived software on it? Perhaps its destiny is to become an awe inspiring frankenMac. Thankfully, at the very least, parts.
#vintageapple #macintosh #powerbook #batteryleakage #retrocomputing