March 20th was #WorldSparrowDay, and while my plan was to share it on Thursday, here we are, a little late to finish and share.
#TraditionalArt #Birds #BirdArt #SciArt #Nature #BackyardWildlife
March 20th was #WorldSparrowDay, and while my plan was to share it on Thursday, here we are, a little late to finish and share.
#TraditionalArt #Birds #BirdArt #SciArt #Nature #BackyardWildlife
Okay, not an insect and possibly stretching the definition of "marsh" for #MarshMadness; but today I painted an eelgrass isopod, Pentidotea resecata, because they're adorable. Just look at them. They get their bright green coloring from the eelgrass they eat; individuals grown on brown kelp tend to be brown. This probably helps them blend in better to their environment.
March 22 is #WorldWaterDay and an apt birthday for Japanese #geochemist Katsuko Saruhashi (1920-2007) who created tools that allowed her to make 1st measurements of CO2 in seawater, raised the alarm about nuclear fallout, tracing it in oceans & researched peaceful uses of nuclear power. A supporter of women in science, she established the Society of Japanese Women Scientists & 1/n
Adding another one of my Chemistry inspired art stickers to my new shop.
I got to see a Painted Bunting (a new bird for me!) in a small urban park here in Tucson, AZ. It was so colorful it HAD to be my Perpetual Journal art that week!
A familiar pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing.
Today’s Canadian province #linocut is Alberta, with its provincial animal, the big horn sheep and its famous flower, the wild rose. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, green, pinks, yellow and gray-brown, in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
It was obvious, despite the various symbols of the province from which to choose
A spiral of ants, in a dark purple ink, for today's #inkyDays drawing. They're thinking of what to say, but there is so much going on, so they're just forming patterns right now.
I made some more progress on the big piece I've been working on. I love how the colors are playing together in this one.
Tiamat's Talisman
Tiamat roars, the old world cracks,
Chaos rises, no turning back.
From fractured times, a new world gleams,
Born from struggle, shaped by dreams.
Never stop dreaming of a better world!
#art #sciart #hope #egyptology
Next in my Canadian province linocuts is Nova Scotia, with its provincial bird, the Osprey and its flower, the mayflower. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, green, pinks, yellow and gray-brown, in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
The mayflower (Epigaea repens) is also known as trailing arbutus has been a symbol of the province since
Illustration du soir, bonsoir
Ici, il s'agit d'une Ombrette africaine (Scopus umbretta), oiseau dont la tête a un peu la forme d'une enclume.
La douceur feutrée des crayons aquarellables qui glissent sur le papier est l'une des choses que je préfère.
Today for #MarshMadness I painted a saltmarsh tiger beetle, Eunota severa. Or is it Habroscelimorpha severa? Cicindela severa? Someone should probably do a taxonomic review.
I'm not terribly fond of taxonomy, but I am obsessed with tiger beetles (Cicindelidae), some of the fastest predators out there. At speeds up to 125 body lengths per second, even those enormous eyes can't take in enough light to see their surroundings. Imagine being so fast you go blind!
I don't have to - my eyesight is slow af. I didn't realize there was such a temporal component to vision until I started losing it.
Natürlich auch bei Amazon, Thalia, Osiander etc., aber ich linke mit Absicht zu genialokal!
(Zu Kaufen ab Oktober dieses Jahres! Noch also nicht ...)
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
In 2022 Jason Osborne and I reconstructed the Early Oligocene toothed whale Ediscetus osbornei, and here is the artwork I created for Jason. The two Ediscetus are chasing a school of Spanish mackerel.
Still getting the hang of this new shop platform. I was really spoiled by how easy etsy made everything, until they didn't.
Oh well. Here's another sticker in my shop. This one is inspired by Chemistry, and I programmed a particle system to create the image.
I finally signed a very early #SciArt #embroidery of mine—thrum (2016)—a simple piece of the thyroid cartilage. I’m planning on using this one to see how I do with stretching my pieces on matboard.
This is my #linocut of New Brunswick, a province I have visited many times. Its provincial bird, the black-capped chickadee and its tree, the balsam fir cover the hand-carved map of New Brunswick. The block was inked ‘à la poupée’ (with different colours, black, gold and green, in different areas) and printed by hand on lovely Japanese kozo (or mulberry) paper.
I haven't been wanting to post any of my art for sale in the past months. I keep waiting for 'better timing'. But it's unlikely to be better for a while.
So, I'm going to start with stickers made from my hand drawn pieces. This one is a bit bigger than I expected, but I still love it. It's bundled with a set of my Chemistry inspired art postcards.
I finally took a proper photo of my summer-themed mitosis sampler (2024). I’m writing a pattern for this one in four season colourways so watch for that in a few months!
#MarshMadness today I painted a marsh imp, Pyractomena lucifera, which can be found in two distinct sub populations in the northeast and southeast US. Like most fireflies, they are threatened by wetland habitat loss and light pollution.