Felt like my profile had too few rainbows on it~.
Have C O L O R S!
I will now go and put a shitton of glitter on it. <3
Felt like my profile had too few rainbows on it~.
Have C O L O R S!
I will now go and put a shitton of glitter on it. <3
Doodling around with some super cheap acrylics on equally cheap pressed wood. :D Honestly, the quality of both makes the word 10 times as hard as it should be, but in a way it makes me happy.
Feels good to feel like drawing and painting again~.
Time to face true digital horrors again~! <3
SOON!!! Can't wait~! <3 I'ma go and buy that game for the 5th time!
"How many angels can dance on the tip of a needle?"
"It depends on the music."
WIP Painting for the swirlies and the fun~.
Dug out an old doodle and now painting over it for fun. Patterns and swirly stuff are wonderfully relaxing to work on.
#drachenmagier #WorkInProgress #MastoArt #WIP #Fantasy #Angel #creature #FantasyArt #blackandwhite_art
Final version with the most amazing addition made by a friend~.
:D Cat magic, the powerful ability to yeet stuff off ledges!
Upon popular demand from tumblr. <3
Still work in progress. :D
Stage 3: I can still add the googly eyes! Nothing is lost yet!
Stage 1: Today I'ma just going to sit here and draw dragons badly~! ALL THE NOODLES WITH GOOGLY EYES!
Done and scanned. :D
I started that one simply because I wanted to draw something glowy. And I really like how that fire drake turned out! <3
Acrylics and alcohol markers on bristol paper.