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Godot 4.4 was a massive success, and with most users migrating to it, we discovered and fixed a number of significant bugs which warrant a first maintenance release.

So here's #GodotEngine 4.4.1, with over 100 bug fixes to improve your daily Godot experience!


Godot EngineMaintenance release: Godot 4.4.1 – Godot EngineGodot 4.4 was a massive success, and with most users migrating to it, we discovered and fixed a number of significant bugs which warrant a first maintenance release.

Doncs ja he publica una nova versió del #Paraploimos


Inclou bastants canvis: missions, diàlegs, traces del vent per veure on bufa sense tenir la bandera davant, moviment del vaixell amb el ratolí, inventari...

Em fareu un favor si el proveu i em doneu feedback, i si us agrada i el valoreu doncs ja seria fantàstic.

Us deixo la imatge de capçalera que he fet, basant-me en una ceràmica del museu d'Empúries.

Fa molts dies que no us ensenyo res del #Paraploimos

He estat ocupat avançant les últimes coses i quan pugui us ensenyaré tot el que he fet, que no és poc!

Per ara, aquí podeu veure l'última millora: moviment del vaixell amb el ratolí en comptes del teclat.

També podeu veure que he posat un indicador visual d'on bufa el vent, a part de la bandera.

This month's #GodotEngine 4.4 was a massive, feature-packed release!
Like most big releases, it had a few quirks which we're addressing in priority for a 4.4.1 maintenance update.

Please test this new release candidate before we tag the 4.4.1-stable release!


Godot EngineRelease candidate: Godot 4.4.1 RC 2 – Godot EngineClosing in on the first maintenance release for Godot 4.4, fixing a number of regressions and other significant bugs found in this month's feature release.

Això ja va prenent forma. El periplus ja té cara i ulls, tot i que només es poden modificar els volums.

Més endavant es podrà canviar l'idioma, veure el mapa, les missions, etc.

He ficat ja tres emplaçaments, tot i que per ara no s'hi pot fer res a cap d'ells.

Queden 14 dies per acabar la jam, ara toca implementar una missió senzilla i ja estarà llest per entregar la primera versió completa del joc!

Bé, us ensenyo les dues últimes coses que he afegit al moviment del vaixell. Això ja és tot i més del que tenia pensat fer en aquest sentit i "només" m'ha costat 4 dies de feina. Deu n'hi do!

En aquest vídeo es veu com el vent afecta a la velocitat del vaixell. Al següent tut veure-ho una altra cosa que crec que us agradarà molt 😜

Replied in thread

If you're wondering what this is from, I'd highly recommend this beginner's Godot course: gamedev.tv/courses/godot-compl

It assumes you know little to nothing, but still delve into some complex stuff like navigation, lighting, and level design. And it has a Q&A option if you get stuck (most issues I ran into are already answered).

GameDev.tvComplete Godot 3D: Code Your Own 3D Games In Godot 4!Learn how to create 3D games from start to finish in Godot engine 4 and GDScript!
Replied in thread

Here's my enemy jumping up onto platforms to follow me. Just a navigation region, no links. It analyzes the path and jumps if the path goes upward by a certain amount.

It's not perfect, sadly probably won't need it for my actual game idea (this is just for a course). The hardest part was auto-adjusting the path desired distance: if too small, the AI backtracks after every step; if too big, it turns or jumps too early. So I have it auto adjust over time.

Continued thread

The last game in the course taught how to use navigation meshes so enemies follow you. It said "unfortunately they can't jump up to/down from ledges" and moved on.

So I proceeded to go down a scripting rabbit hole for a few hours last night and this morning adding jump behavior for enemies. Now they'll jump up and down from ledges to follow me!

I'll tinker more and share on Monday. It seems like people are far less active on Mastodon on weekends.