The Official Best Decaf Tea Awards (Non-flavoured)
- UK Division -
Thanks to everyone who entered, by which I mean the 5 different boxes of tea I bought this week at great expense. I only really wanted 2 teabags of each brand and now have just under 400 unused decaf teabags. So thanks for that. The results are as follows.
5th place:
-- Dorset decaf, Twinings decaf --
Both just as fishy as every other well-known brand like PG Tips and Tetley but just about bearable.
3rd place:
-- Waitrose own-brand decaf tea, Yorkshire decaf --
Waitrose was the cheapest and also surprisingly mediocre in a good way. Yorkshire decaf has been in my cupboard for years so this is the average standard against which all teas have since been compared. As a Yorkshire lass, Yorkshire tea is part of my religion.
1st place:
-- Clipper Decaf --
Almost like normal tea! That's why it won! But also, it's a B-corp company (which these days is somewhat meaningless. Nestlé is B-corp? Well, okay then...) with environmentally friendly values in all the ways. No fishy tea here, my friend!
Thank you for all the sciencing!
(...Does anyone want a shit ton of decaf teabags that taste a bit like fish?)