The Common Kingfisher, is a vibrant and elusive bird found near slow moving streams, rivers and canals.
A Pheasant taking a stroll down a path in the morning sun, RSPB Strumpshaw.
Bald eagle flying away with a herring it caught in the sea during the herring spawn off the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Atlantic Puffin showing off its beauty. Picture taken close to my home a few years ago.
Northern Shrike in the top of a tree
See it bigger here:
Yellow-Rumped Warbler Up High by Debra Martz
They are fast birds, fluttering out from a tree to catch a flying insect & quickly moving on to the next. It finally took a brief pause and I snapped the shutter. This image was captured at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Weslaco, Texas in February.
Hoy el Pinzón Vulgar (Fringilla coelebs)
20 Mar 2025
Soto del Real, Madrid, España
Good morning Fellow Travellers on the Galactic Spiral Arm I'm up with the parrots this morning again after a test run of going out for a bit yesterday. I was pooped soupy by evening again, but I made sure I went to bed really early and that seems to have helped. Just as well, as Madame Ziggy is being a bossy boots today , ordering me around all over the place , and then had the audacity to inform me that she is a "Good Boo Boo"
Zigs only ever uses "Boo Boo" to refer to herself, and this because when I asked her "Are you my Baby, Baby?" she would respond with "I Boo Boo", and so "Boo Boo" she is
Another easy day on the cards. I have some fresh chop to make and then I'm planning to do some crochet, but only stuff that doesn't require too much concentration as it takes ages to get the old brain back in gear after an mefcs crash. Thinking is tiring!
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to
#BirdBuddy hatte Besuch von Rotkehlchen 22.03.2025 06:53 Besuche bisher: 394
Bilder: 9
#BirdsOfMastodon #Leverkusen #Rotkehlchen
Hooded Mergansers at the local park here in central NJ yesterday
I got to see a Painted Bunting (a new bird for me!) in a small urban park here in Tucson, AZ. It was so colorful it HAD to be my Perpetual Journal art that week!