I've never drawn my FFXIV character, until now. I recently switched from an Elezen to a bunny boy and I'm loving every minute of it!
Hey FFXIV artists from EU!
Join us at the "Cosy Colours" Art Jam, a Draw and Greet so to speak, for FFXIV artists in the EU DCs!
Topic: "Compact Comrades" - It's minion time!
Time: 23 March 2025, 17:30 Server Time
Place: Twintania - Goblet, 7th Ward, Plot 20
(Please read the rules before joining: https://cosy-colours-ffxiv.carrd.co/#rules )
NPC in Stormblood MSQ, somewhere in the Ruby Sea:
Hmm... It would have been silly to swim all the way here. At least this time.
Me with my already completed map of the Ruby Sea:
"Uhh, yeah, who would do something that silly?"
Pues aprovechando los movimientos de redes sociales gracias a #VamonosJuntas pongo mi re-re- #presentacion
Soy un frikazo valenciano de pueblo interesado en #FinalFantasyXIV #SavageWorlds #RetroGames #DnD #Warhammer #PixelArt #HopePunk #3dPrinting
Estoy 100% en contra del uso de IAs, de los NFT, las cripto-cosas, el capitalismo, machismo, capacitismo, edadismo y discursos de odio en general.
Solo recordar además que #TransRightsAreHumanRights #BlackLivesMatter #FreeLuigi y #FreeGaza
I managed to run Starlight with Ali too. She likes just being that short Miqo'te girl, just one in the crowd, handing out hot drinks and doing normal things.
"Normal things" have meaning too, folks. Doing small kindnesses to others, bringing people together, reheating their drinks, making someone smile or laugh, listening to their troubles.
Just be a positive influence, one small action at a time.
I kinda want one of these IRL. Seems like an obvious sales thing for #FFXIV. But they'd probably charge $50+P&P for the privilege.
I'd buy a digital "pack" and source a local mug printer though.
Some items in this game "feel" tangible.
[Pre-guide] With family stuff easing a bit, I have finally put my pre-guide for the #FFXIV Starlight Celebration up on the blog.
I've included official images for now, links to the blog and special site and other info.
Once I've slept and had meds in me, I'll run the event and switch the shots to my own.
But it starts in 4½hrs time and I need more than 4½hrs sleep.
Cyas on the other side.
#FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV #MMORPG #Gaming
My MSQ can glare at me all it wants. It’ll get done when I feel like it.
Did I really just log in real quick so I could look at myself on the new mount I got last night.
Yes. Yes, I did.
[#FFXIV] Heyas, I had a full-on family day, but once they all went to sleep, I've put my first-stage Moogle Tomestone (Goetia) guide up.
I am missing quite a few shots of rewards. Some were by choice in the past (Casual Jacket...) but mounts, minions and emotes are on my hit list for this event.
But it is now quite late, so further updates will have to wait until sleep and more rest tomorrow.
#FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV
Hello fellow FFXIV players! Occasionally I make a spreadsheet for the Moogle Treasure Trove event for friends and I thought I'd share it here as well.
It shows the list of rewards, how many tomes they cost, where you would get them regularly, and allows you to keep track of your progress. Just create a copy or download it as a file and you're good to go.
I tried to phrase duties you can farm past ARR in a spoiler free way. However, I didn't rename rewards with boss names in them because you can see the name in the loot list of the moogle anyway. So if you just started playing and see a name unfamiliar to you in there, avoid searching for it online.
Happy farming!
I might have to see if I can replay the closing #FFXIV cutscene, because Ali would *definitely* have changed outfits between the last fight and getting rest in the sun.
The final dungeons of Dawntrail was a nightmare, but the boss mechanics for the last Trial, along with the encouraging group I got, made the last fight actually quite fun.
Love it when people just tell you to "enjoy" the fight without expectations of performance.
[1/8] My FFXIV/OC comic, The Things We Do For Love, is now finally complete! I’ve been working on this on-and-off for the last year and a half. It started as a fun way to practice drawing dynamic characters and action, but eventually I came to see it as a first draft for a much larger project I hope to take on very soon. I hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to what I’ve got planned with these characters in the future
Hi! There's a bunch of new folks, so let me introduce myself.
I've been on the internet since 1994, starting with CompuServe and eventually ending up here.
My first gaming console was the Atari 2600 my Dad brought home in 1980.
My first anime was Go-Lion (Voltron).
I am le old, le tired, queer as fuck, and out of fucks.
Some of my followed tags are
#FinalFantasyXIV #SouthCarolina #StarWars and probably a few others I've forgotten.
Time to get around to one of those #introduction posts.
I just started a position as a Senior Security Engineer specializing in IAM and #Azure. Prior to this I spent quite a few years in a senior systems administration position for a mental health non-profit doing a lot of #Powershell work to automate and simplify tasks.
Outside of work I've spent most of my life here in the PNW. I tend to do a lot of #Gaming currently deep in #finalfantasyxiv #flightsimulator #citiesskylines and now #dwarffortress and maybe now that I'll not be stressing about money so much I'll get back into some #photography or finish paining my Tyranid army #warhammer40k
Hey! I'm Elisse. I'm a computer engineer, and I work in medical tech.
I love video games -- I've played #WorldofWarcraft for over ten years, and currently play #FinalFantasyXIV, #LeagueofLegends, #Overwatch and #AnimalCrossing.
I also adore (real-life) crafting! I've been #knitting for many years, I do #crossstitch and I'm learning #sewing and #crochet. I’m also in love with #books.
I have two dogs, and I am powered by #kpop and iced coffee.
Hope to see you around!