Look at what is coming to Scheme ecosystem:
Look at what is coming to Scheme ecosystem:
is this the best way to destructively add an item to the end of a list in #lisp ?
(defun ntack (l x)
(setf (cdr (last l)) (cons x nil))
I feel like (cons x nil) is a bit messy.
Just x doesn't work.
@Kazinator @rzeta0 No fancy inference. #Lisp knows exactly what type each datum is. Is s is a number, return that number. If sequence of length 1, then (first s) returns its only element; if of length 3, it's considered to be an infix operation, so it's reordered into (elt₂ elt₁ elt₃) and evaluated.
`cond` returns the value of the last sexpr of the first clause whose first sexpr evaluates to `t`.
SICL: Fresh Implementation of Common Lisp
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/robert-strandh/SICL
but the if I swap the two cond conditions, it works...
(defun arith-eval (s)
( (numberp s) s)
( (equal (length s) 1) (first s))
( (equal (length s) 3) (eval (list (second s) (arith-eval (first s)) (arith-eval (third s)) )))
( t nil)
I can't see how ( (equal (length s) 1) (first s)) would preclude anything later?
2 / 2 #lisp
#lisp - unreachable code warning ..
I don't understand why this results in a warning:
(defun arith-eval (s)
( (equal (length s) 1) (first s))
( (numberp s) s)
( (equal (length s) 3) (eval (list (second s) (arith-eval (first s)) (arith-eval (third s)) )))
( t nil)
1 / 2
I’m an amateur lisper, mostly #Guile and #EmacsLisp, but if someone wants to team up for this #GameJam, I’d be interested!
I also do some basic art, game design, sound, and music. I wouldn’t want to be the sole programmer for this jam but could definitely contribute there and would love to learn more #Lisp.
The Spring Lisp Game Jam is happening once again! Join us for 10 days of consing up little games starting on May 9th!
@Regenaxer And wow, the recursive vs iterative comparison is close! There isn't any fancy optimisation here, is there?
: (bench (apply * (range 1 10000))) T
0.075 sec
-> T
: (bench (fact 10000)) T
0.072 sec
-> T
Continuing this thread, the post-scarcity software environment can't yet do iteration, so I'm using a recursive algorithm for factorial:
(set! fact
(lambda (n)
"Compute the factorial of `n`, expected to be a natural number."
(cond ((= n 1) 1)
(t (* n (fact (- n 1)))))))
Let's look at the stack vs iterative performance of different #Lisp family languages...
Here's a gist
@Regenaxer @borkdude @vindarel Thanks! Right, so my comparable in-REPL times for iterative factorial 1000 are
#PicoLisp: (bench (apply * (range 1 1000)))
0.000 sec
#Clojure: user=> (time (apply *' (range 1 1000)))
"Elapsed time: 2.428199 msecs"
#SBCL: CL-USER[1]: (time (apply #'* (alexandria:iota 1000 :step 1)))
Evaluation took:
0.000 seconds of real time
0.000015 seconds of total run time (0.000000 user, 0.000015 system)
100.00% CPU
45,990 processor cycles
0 bytes consed
@vindarel @borkdude
It's worth pointing out that back in 1986, my Xerox 1186 boxes, running #InterLisp, took twenty-one MINUTES to compute factorial 1000.
All of these systems are, in fact, amazingly fast in their bignum performance.
@borkdude @vindarel @Regenaxer #PicoLisp doesn't have macros, by design. Its `time` function returns the time of day. So while there may be a way of timing a computation in the REPL, I've not found it yet.
@vindarel That's true. The startup time issue is particularly harsh on #clojure, and @borkdude's #Babashka would probably do a lot better.
But (a) this is very rough timing, and (b) startup time is some sort of proxy for the compactness of the runtime system; and
(c) the thing that's still astounding me is that #PicoLisp is (sort-of) an interpreter, while all the others execute compiled code, so bloody should be faster!
@Regenaxer my jaw dropped when I hit the point in the documentation where it says 'interpreter only'. Pico-lisp is *blazingly* fast!
See (very rough) comparison to clojure, mit-scheme, sbcl:
@simon_brooke I would also say that bignums implemented internally in cells are the way to go. I did so in #PicoLisp too. #lisp
However, having bignums in vector space would cause a churn of non-standard-sized objects in vector space, which would mean much more frequent garbage collection, which has to be mark-and-sweep because unequal-sized objects, otherwise you get heap fragmentation.
So maybe I just have to put more work into debugging my cons-space bignums.
Bother, bother.
There are no perfect solutions.
/ continued