Below is a statement I prepared and read at the December 19, 2024, Board of Selectmen meeting in the Town of Easton, Connecticut. A video of the statement, and the entire meeting, will be available shortly.
“Deny Defend Depose”
I am here for all of us, even though I only have my own story.
For 22 years, I’ve been a Type One diabetic. For 22 years I’ve fought insurance companies to get the medication that I need to be here tonight alive. I am one of the lucky ones living here in EASTON with neighbors like you. But recently, I spent time in front of the pharmacy counter, explaining that if I didn’t take home insulin, I would die. Corporate interests prioritized their rebate scheme over my life
This statement was conceived on my way home today in a rush to get to insulin that would not clog my insulin pump. A new flank in a 22-year battle against for-profit healthcare.
I didn’t quite make it to Manor Lane before I had to pull over on Sport Hill Parkway to vomit from high blood sugar. Sorry to disturb you, neighbors, but the privilege of living in towns like Easton also comes with responsibilities to those that, frankly, never stood a chance of making it here.
Deny defend depose.
When marketing and advertising firms make up terms like “natural gas“ to mask the scary reality of methane so big oil can put in pipelines by our beloved Mill River and schools.
Deny defend depose.
When Donald Trump makes up lies about immigrants....