The Ghassan Abu Sittah Children’s Fund
Urgent : Helping a family stuck in Gaza and a pregnant woman
Help a Medical Student Stuck in Gaza & his Family
Restore Hope for the Al Shaer Family
Dina has cancer. Help her for treatment outside Gaza
Help my family rise from the ashes
There should be a global outcry among journalists and media over the widespread murder of journalists in Gaza. Far too many remain silent about these atrocities — and the many others in the region.
I haven't spoken up enough either. Today let me honor Al Jazeera’s Hossam Shabat and Mohammed Mansour.
Het #demonstratierecht staat onder druk. Voor je het weet heb je een #terrorismevinkje achter je naam en komt de politie op bezoek.
Een protestbordje omhoog houden kan genoeg zijn:
Goed je mag demonstreren, maar met je rug tegen de muur.
En alleen als je geld hebt dan is de vrijheid niet duur.
“I ask you now: do not stop speaking about Gaza,” the journalist wrote in his final message. “Do not let the world look away. Keep fighting, keep telling our stories — until Palestine is free.”
~Hossam Shabat
Your support encourages me to move forward. For my family
If you're a Palestinian living in the West Bank, being an Oscar Award winning co-director of a film does not protect you from apartheid Israel's settler violence.
Ο Stepfen Kapos, επέζησε του Ολοκαυτώματος και σήμερα οδηγείται χαμογελαστός στον Ανακριτή επειδή συμμετείχε σε διαδήλωση υπέρ της Παλαιστίνης. Ο 87χρονος άντρας, διατάραξε τη δημόσια τάξη την ημέρα της διαδήλωσης, κρατώντας λουλούδια και ένα πλακάτ που έγραφε "Απόγονοι επιζώντων του Ολοκαυτώματος κατά της γενοκτονίας". #FreePalestine #Israel #Genocide
Help my family leave Gaza before it's too late
Help me get out of Gaza for my baby girl
We attended the rally for Palestine in #Melbourne. It was large, loud and vocal against Israel breaking the ceasefire and committing acts of genocide.
There can be no climate justice until we recognise human rights and stop acts of genocide.
We weren’t the only chihuahuas present.