The Christine Keeler Story - As Told by the Press
7. Daily Express, 15 March 1963
An amazing newspaper page. Alongside Christine Keeler’s disappearance, the Daily Express featured the shock resignation offer from war minister John Profumo.
The Christine Keeler Story - As Told by the Press
7. Daily Express, 15 March 1963
An amazing newspaper page. Alongside Christine Keeler’s disappearance, the Daily Express featured the shock resignation offer from war minister John Profumo.
The Christine Keeler Story - As Told by the Press
3. Daily Express, 17 January 1963
The first newspaper photograph of Christine Keeler, on page 10 of the Daily Express. The story was still low-key, but the photograph indicates that the press were starting to show a serious interest.
I picked up this paperback of Samuel R. Delany’s “Nova” back in the early 2000s when I was attempting to read my way through David Pringle’s list of the 100 greatest science fiction novels (pre-1984), and I kinda want to revisit it. Despite Delany’s impeccable reputation I can’t help but picture STAR TREK Space Hippies when envisioning his cast. Would he mind? #1960s #Books #Nova #SamuelRDelany #ScienceFiction
Geoffrey Davien, an artist and sculptor, created this ceramic of Christine Keeler in 1964, an example of how she made a huge and instant impact on British society.
I think there is more to Christine’s story than the glamour and the scandal. They are the obvious focal points, but in terms of the person, in some ways I think they are misleading.
Friday 15 March 1963
Model Christine Keeler, pictured, was being sought by police last night. Miss Keeler, 20, was wanted as chief prosecution witness in the Old Bailey trial of a man who is accused of shooting at her with intent to commit murder. But the jury heard from the prosecution that Miss Keeler had disappeared.
Saturday 9 March 1963
Why not turn your wife into a good backseat driver? Don’t wince at the thought. With spring and summer approaching, your wife could be a valuable “navigator”. Buy Ordnance Survey maps for the district you intend to cover and teach your wife to read them.
Your starter for ten…
These questions were asked on University Challenge, 1965, and answered by the winners, New College, Oxford. Can you answer any of them?
Apologies for the poor picture quality.
Sylvia Abernathy, album art for Roscoe Mitchell Sextet and Sun Ra, Delmark, 1966.
In late 1960s Chicago, Sylvia Abernathy was all at once a college student, activist, and graphic designer. One of the few women working in a male-dominated industry, Abernathy (who later changed her name to “Laini”) is believed to be the first Black woman to be credited as a designer on album covers. Read more:
The Beatles performing Please Mr Postman, 1964. A Bulgarian postcard.
From 1963
The word astronomers is an anagram of a three-word sentence. If this sentence were true, then astronomers would have no work. What is the sentence?
If you participate, please hide your answer.
The week is over.
Allow your friendly neighborhood Vinyl Ape to gel usher in the weekend with another “Moment Of Zen”.
Books!, written by Murray McCain, designed and illustrated by John Alcorn, 1962.
Lady Penelope’s Notes on the Beatles
(From the Lady Penelope Annual, 1968)
Ringo Starr
Born Richard Starkey, Liverpool, 7 July 1940
Brown hair, blue eyes, 5’ 8”
Married Maureen Cox, 1965
Plays drums, the organ and sings
Likes fast cars, “anyone who likes me”, and Mary Wells
Dislikes motorbikes and onions
Made his solo movie debut in the film Candy
Friday 25 January 1963
Business at the Three Magpies, a pub near London Airport, came to a halt for draught beer drinkers because the beer froze solid in the barrels. In 22 degrees of frost, lemonade and ginger beers also froze in the bottles.
In 1965, Mary Whitehouse (pictured) launched the National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association with the aim of “cleaning up television”. She saw offensive content everywhere, including in the innocuous Pinky and Perky, Dr Who and Alice Cooper, who she managed to get banned from Top of the Pops.
A mystery photographer made stunning images of 1960s San Francisco. Clues point to a filmmaking legend
"There’s Carlos Santana, performing so early in his career that his hair is short. A formation of baton-wielding police advance down a San Francisco State pathway. And along with the photos of multicolored Volkswagens, Black Panthers rallies, and counterculture celebrities including Timothy Leary and Jerry Garcia, there are 75 unprocessed rolls of film containing 2,700 more unknown treasures.
At the center of it all is a man, a mystery and a race against the clock. Delzell is on a quest to uncover exactly who took these transcendent photos, while raising money so the images can be developed and viewed by the public; his all-or-nothing $49,000 Kickstarter campaign ended Wednesday as dramatically as any Golden State Warriors buzzer-beating shot."
#SanFrancisco #1960s #photography
Ladies, do you have what it takes to be a member of Swinging Sixties London?
Tick the following, and award yourself a point for each tick. The more points, the more suited you are.
You never wear wrinkled stockings
Only wear high-heels in town
Carry a bijou handbag
Never leave lipstick on cups
Never smoke in the street
Never leave both bra straps showing
Never wear a cardigan over a dress
Never get drunk
Even in #1960s #Britain there were attempts to be more #gender #inclusive (this book, sold by a #drivingschool (which still exists today) is clearly intended to encourage lasses (as well as lads) to be involved with the #maintenance of their #cars
(but don't use a hose fed brush (these relics are still sold today!) on modern car paint with clearcoat, it will swirl it)