Our pussy willow with pollen. The honeybees are in heaven. https://www.pictorem.com/2307624/Pussy%20Willow%20Blooming%20Branch.html
Blue Violets
#MastoArt #art #AYearForArt #painting #FediArt #FediGiftShop #artist #arte #InteriorDesign #MastodonArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #TraditionalArt #kunst #contemporaryArt #IrisRichardsonArt #abstractart #InteriorDecorating #BloomScrollling #macro #flowers
For #spring, my little snowdrop. It glows softly (there's a light in the flower), but its glow is best seen at night. See the second pic for a bit of the glow.
I haven’t shared much about this piece yet - maybe because it’s a little different from my usual embroidery work. But I like how delicate it turned out.
another test piece. this time pure watercolor and fineliner. it works well too i'm just not that efficient with watercolor only.
if you look at it upside down the leaves transform into chanterelles.
got me some cold pressed 105 x 150mm sized postcards and did two spring themed test images.
the acrylic markers (base) + colored pencils (shading, accents) as in the snowdrop one works best so i'm pretty much going with those forward.
the magnolia one was at first watercolor + colored pencils but i changed my mind and redid the background with acrylic markers.
Wenn mir die Welt zu grau wird, mal ich Blumen. Blumen passen immer. Hier, ein besonders haltbarer Strauß davon für Dich.
(Handgemalter #wandklexschmuck, eh klar., zu finden auf https://www.wandklex.art/product/originalaquarell-tulpenstrauss-gefasst-in-edelstahlanhaenger-oder-auf-pillendose-handgemalt-buntfug-279351.)
#bloomscrollling #miniaturepainting #art #artShop #tulips #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots
Yet more pictures from last Friday's 7.5km forest hike .
OK, the last picture is not really a flower, but can you fault me for including it here? I mean look at it.
And more pictures from last Friday's 7.5km forest hike .
BTW, I wonder if had a small breakthrough in picture taking, especially when it comes to focus. I think those are results of my conscious choice (and not some accident), but I'll believe it if I can consistently repeat it over time.
Picture 4 OTOH. I need to figure out how to get the red not to flood.
Some more pictures from last Friday's 7.5km forest hike .
Again, two pictures of some things because they are so beautiful.
PS: I am pretty sure my alt-text for the pictures is lame. I just don't know enough about flowers (or writing for that matter) to do better.
7.5km forest hike last Friday was shorter than I like, but it offered plenty by way of nature: a large armadillo, a beautiful inchworm, colorful caterpillars, butterflies and birds, a coral snake, and of course brilliant wildflowers.
Naturally, the hike was slow but made me ask myself how I got this lucky.
PS: Two pictures of some things because they're just so beautiful. More pictures and videos.
After Tuesday's near miss , happy that yesterday's fasting river walk was exactly 11.11kms.
Don't know if 4 ones has any significance (like 3 sevens lucky, 3 ones "Nelson" unlucky in English Cricket,…). I don't really care, but still find it cool.
Saw a nice wildflower (don't know name). Lucky to get a picture on the way out because the flower was gone later, mowed by trail maintenance.
+ a flycatcher (?) gave us audience.
Look at the beautiful world inside the tulip. No wonder the insects love them.
North America https://www.pictorem.com/984141/Pink%20Tulip%20Inside%20Macro%20.html#fulltext