Plants have been a comfort amid chaos over the last year. From starting seeds under a grow bulb, to growing berries and vegetables in containers, to overwintering a few indoors... #patiogarden #gardenphotography #gardening #photography #urbangardening #photo #garden #growityourself #backyardharvest
Are we rewarded for leaving flowers upright in our garden beds over the winter? Yes, according to posts from garden photographers here.
I was inspired to go out myself.
#Pulmonaria or #Lungwort, flowering in the last days of #winter. This plant came originally from my parents’ garden in #Austria more than 25 years ago.
When I was out gardening yesterday, I noticed the first bumblebee. Shows how important early flowering #plants are.
‣ Upright. Click to see all.
#ArtistsGarden #ImperfectGarden #garden #gardener #gardening #GardenPhotography #Artist #wolfkettler #Photography #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #EarlyFlowering #sustainable #biodiversity #natural #NaturalGarden #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #PollinatorFriendly #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability @gardening
This morning, first sighting of a pair of #ducks this year. They were familiar with the layout of the #garden and knew the facilities, #pond and birdfood, etc. I have no doubt that they have been here in previous years. They were a little wary of me still. They are perfectly wild and not used to humans. Will need time to get re-acquainted with me but it won't take them long. Eventually, they will let me get close and may come up to me.
#MallardDucks #WildDucks #Wildlife #GardenWildlife #artistsgarden #ImperfectGarden #gardening #GardenPhotography #Artist #wolfkettler #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #sustainable #LateWinter #natural #NaturalGarden #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability
I know I have posted about #snowdrops, #Galanthus, before. I am so pleased with them. They keep increasing - through the season and year on year.
This group at the entrance to the #stumpery. I also have them in other borders and the #GrassMeadow.
As they flower so early, snowdrops do not rely on #pollinators but spread by bulb division. They are still visited by bees and other early insects on a warm day.
#artistsgarden #ImperfectGarden #garden #gardener #gardening #GardenPhotography #Artist #wolfkettler #Photography #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #sustainable #winter #biodiversity #natural #NaturalGarden #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability @gardening
#Snowdrops in the grass #meadow. A photograph to acknowledge #Candlemas, or #Imbolc, tomorrow, 2 February.
The #Christmas period is truly over now as we head into late winter.
Imbolc falls halfway between the winter #solstice and the spring #equinox. It is a #Gaelic traditional festival celebrating light and the first signs of #spring.
Every year I hope for the snowdrops to rise up through the snow - in vain.
‣ Upright. Click to see all.
Surprisingly, Pinata Roses bloomed during a two day rain event, high wind gusts, and plummeting temps.
My Garden Photo.
A Shared Memory.
Last year's summer garden.
Awaiting the new year's tropical climate and blooms.
My Garden Photo on the
East Coast.
A new Rose Bloom, always passionate.
In spite of cold snaps, roses are popping.
My Garden Photo.
Wishing all a pleasant first Sunday of the year.
Pinata Roses vibrantly bloom despite snappy cold spells.
My Garden Photo East Coast.
The Mums have bloomed. I patiently awaited.
My Patio Photo.
Novembersolstrejf. Fra sidste år, og hvad så ;)
A splash of november sun.
From last year, but then who cares ;)
Allamanda in soft petal clusters. Last of the season.
My Garden photo from the
E. Coast. The chill has moved in.
Mix of Poinsettas and Mums.
The feel of Autumn and Christmas all in one pot.
Adds brightness and happiness in the patio. A new addition.
Last Hibiscus bloom of the season.
My Garden Photo.
This year I did a very late sowing of #tomatoes to stay in the unheated #greenhouse. Just out of curiosity. They are #flowering now. We’ll see what happens next …