We created an "AutoSizeText" element for @godotengine, something that I always missed from Unity.
It is in it's early stages, but the label is already supported.
Check it out:
We created an "AutoSizeText" element for @godotengine, something that I always missed from Unity.
It is in it's early stages, but the label is already supported.
Check it out:
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO VERY MUCH for accepting Christ’s sacrifice for my sins!
*DEAR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY PLEASE Help me always to trust in You!
Here’s a post launch blog post on Exoloper.
TLDR, sales didn’t go at all, but the receptions been alright!
Some thoughts on where I can take it in the future.
#motto #latin #linguistics #standupforsciences
of #Canada : A Mari Usque Ad Mare
of #Europe : In Varietate Concordia
Together: In Varietate Concordia A Mari Usque Ad Mare Harmony in diversity, from one ocean to the other
Harmonie dans la diversité d'une rive à l'autre des océans
Harmonie in der Vielfalt, von einem Ozean zum anderen
Harmonie in verscheidenheid, van de ene oceaan tot de andere
Harmonia w różnorodności, od jednego oceanu do drugiego
Harmonie v rozmanitosti, od jednoho oceánu k druhému
Harmonija v raznolikosti, od enega oceana do drugega
Armonía en la diversidad, de un océano a otro
Armonia nella diversità da un oceano all'altro
Harmonia na diversidade de um oceano a outro
Armonie în diversitate, de la un ocean la altul
Αρμονία στη διαφορετικότητα, από τον έναν ωκεανό στον άλλο
Harmoni i diversitet, fra hav til hav
Harmoni i mångfald, från ett hav till ett annat
Rauhan monimuotoisuudessa yhdestä valtamereltä toiseen
Хармония в многообразието, от един океан до друг
Гармонія у різноманітності від одного океану до іншого
#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity
#elbowsup !
#СлаваУкраїні !
#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity #calm #serenity #understanding #communication #facts #values #dialogue #science
#ScreenShotSaturday This is how noisy the steering rate can get when calculated from the position data of a steering wheel device.
The USA has always viewed Europe and the West with this disdain but has just kept up the facade so they can keep us as their cash cow. Trump just didn't understand this, but at least now we all know how the US feels about us.
@GottaLaff @Snowshadow that account is not new; I’m certainly familiar with it, as I’m sure are many others. The resistance right now needs to be beating the #unity drum amongst ourselves. Divide and conquer is a tactic as old as the hills, so be wary of anyone looking to exploit or exacerbate divisions, stoke anger; esp around color lines. Not all accounts are honest or on the up and up. Nazi ops run deep and are only getting more funding as they steal more money
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO MUCH for forgiving all my sins!*for the sake of Your Son!
*DEAR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY PLEASE Remind me of Your grace!*& mercy each day!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO MUCH for forgiving all my sins!*for the sake of Your Son!
*DEAR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY PLEASE Remind me of Your grace!*& mercy each day!
*In Jesus’ name I pray!
Dear Press, dear whoever used xitter,
Please get fucked if you use annex to describe the fascist invasion of a fee country.
Canada is as REAL, you degraded nazi shit, as Ukraine.
And Vietnam.
Using the word annex is treason.
Quislings to jail.
*DEAR Heavenly Father!*thank You SO MUCH for the creation You made!*& have blessed me with!*Jesus!*My Savior!
*DEAR Holy Spirit!*thank You SO MUCH for creating!*& nurturing my faith!
@davidho Please stop this 'generations against one another' narrative. It doesn't help to build #resistance in #unity. The evil guys behind puppet Trump are quite young. In Germany, at this moment, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrate against the far-right, many actions organised by Grandmas Against Right! At the same time, first voters embrace the fascists. We can fight fascism only with all generations united! It's a problem of ideology, not generation.
EXOLOPER is out now!
Heart of the Nation - The heart of the nation beats with love, unity, & unyielding pride.
Toyota selects Unity to enhance in-car experiences https://iottechnews.com/news/toyota-selects-unity-enhance-in-car-experiences/ #toyota #unity #mobility #cars #iot #tech #news #technology
Looking back at my master thesis, I still think the concept of driving a rigged character with live-streamed motion capture data to have a VR scene react in real time to a real human's movements was pretty cool.
#VR #MotionCapture #Unity
My little science game released today! This is a small contribution to making what we do in pharma & biotech seem less foreign and more fun, in a time when making life-saving drugs is increasingly maligned in the public square.
Give it a download if you can - I appreciate the support :)
Been running on stealth mode for the last little while because...
EXOLOPER is now available in preorder. Drop day is Feb 10.
We jammed, we gamed!
Here's my team's submission for the Global Game Jam 2025! it's my first 3d game and Unity project and my partner's first gamedev experience ever! I'm super proud of what we made!
Our artists absolutely crushed it! I'm beaming :)
#gameDev #unity #globalGameJam #gameJam