Josie and her little #peony garden today. The rain has finally let up, and we are wearing our mud boots. Hers are made of fur.
Josie and her little #peony garden today. The rain has finally let up, and we are wearing our mud boots. Hers are made of fur.
姫冬牡丹 [Himefuyubotan]
Helleborus orientalis
via konjaku
Sharing a little cuteness to start the day - Peony Puppy. Art here:
Happy #Caturday! Sharing Peony Persian Kitty to brighten your day. Hope you have a pawsitively wonderful one!
Happy 2025!! I wish you the best year. Sharing one of my newer pieces - Pretty Peonies.
It's a winner! Honored this artwork won 1st Place in Fine Art America's "Lovely Vase of Flowers" contest! See it here:
The Elephant Ears that survived a Pennsylvania winter in this Old Coot's Garden. #elephantear #elephantears #pennsylvaniagarden #pennsylvaniagardens #gardens #gardening #gardener #pennsylvania #greenery #summer #spring #winter #chocolatemint #peony #peonies
#Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Shimane-chōjuraku'
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography #bloomscrolling #botany #peony
An old illustration that started as a doodle to try something out on then I decided I liked it…