I'm quite sure Lacee Johnson was pretty far away to get this shot! It's the same female black bear she's been photographing for a few days. So beautiful and healthy. #Alaska #AlaskaWildlife #AlaskaBlackBears
I’ve spent hundreds of nights watching the aurora in Alaska, but this night at Angel Rocks is still burned into my memory. I hiked up at sunset, found a spot on a rocky outcrop, and waited — and when the lights came, they came fast. One of the brightest, most intense aurora I’ve ever seen, racing across the sky and lighting up the whole valley below.
See more aurora in my gallery: https://photos.lwpetersen.com/Galleries/Alaska-Photos/Aurora-Borealis
‘Protect our future’: Alaskan Indigenous town fights ‘destructive’ uranium mine project https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/25/uranium-mine-elim-alaska-trump #Trumpadministration #Indigenouspeoples #NativeAmericans #DonaldTrump #Environment #USpolitics #Alaska #Mining #Mining #USnews
We saw a moose mom and yearling today on our walk. It was a very gloomy, windy day so this brightened our walk immensely! #Alaska #AlaskaWildlife #Moosetodon
A rock sandpiper (Calidris ptilocnemis) stands in shallow water in the nearshore zone of Kachemak Bay. Snow is accumulating on its back.
I shot this on my Sony a6600 with the 200-600mm fully zoomed in, then cropped the photo.
After this trip to Homer in March last year, I upgraded several personal items for cold weather photography - new mittens and snow boots to start. I was prepared for 20-30 F, but not with 15mph wind added to that chill.
#NaturePhotography #birds #Alaska #BirdPhotography
Pedicularis lanata (Woolly Lousewort) blooming near Nome Creek in the White Mountains, Alaska, in late May. The edible roots taste somewhat like carrots.
Info in my Alaska Wildflower Guide: https://www.lwpetersen.com/alaska-wildflowers/woolly-lousewort-pedicularis-lanata/
36 years ago today. I was the Chief Photographer at the ABC station in Anchorage. I will never forget our plane dropping out of the clouds over the wreck of the Exxon Valdez and being horrified at what we saw. I took this picture several months later as they were getting ready to tow it back to California. Today--not a mention in the local paper. #Alaska #ExxonValdez
This is Mt. Spurr; it's a volcano and has been quite active for several weeks. The Alaska Volcano Observatory says there is a very good chance it will erupt, which hasn't happened since 1992, I think. We live very close to Mt. Spurr. I very much do NOT want it to erupt!! #Alaska #MtSpurrVolcano
Holy CRAP!! Sperm whale in Prince William Sound near Valdez, Alaska. Photographer Todd Graven saw this guy yesterday and estimated his size at around 60 feet long. They don't usually go into PWS. The photo was taken by a drone. #Alaska #AlaskaSeaLife #SpermWhale #Ginormous
Nika has found her perfect spot on a sunny day . #Alaska #dogsofmastodon
Herring are spawning 3 miles up Halibut Point Road. They are kicking off in other areas also, particularly by Kasiana Island. Lots & lots of herring this year! #Sitka #Alaska #HerringSeason
More US states report measles cases amid vaccine misinformation https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/23/measles-spread-vaccine-misinformation #Vaccinesandimmunisation #Infectiousdiseases #Washingtonstate #Pennsylvania #RhodeIsland #California #NewJersey #Maryland #Kentucky #Science #Florida #NewYork #Vermont #Georgia #USnews #Health #Alaska #Texas #Ohio #MMR
On our walk yesterday, hubby got to see these magnificent creatures and I didn't, but I am super glad he took photos. Looks like a momma moose and a yearling. #Alaska #AlaskaWildlife #Moosetodon
This beautiful black bear was spotted by photographer Lacee Johnson this afternoon near a high school in Anchorage. Stunning photos, gorgeous black bear. #Alaska #AlaskaWildlife #AlaskaBlackBears
The northern lights twist into a spiral above a snow-covered spruce forest near Fairbanks, Alaska.
My aurora gallery: https://photos.lwpetersen.com/Galleries/Alaska-Photos/Aurora-Borealis
It's been a pretty sad year for me for aurora photography. Got a bit of a show last night. #Alaska #Anchorage #BearValley #Aurora #AuroraBorealis #NorthernLights
Willow ptarmigan, Alaska’s state bird, in its patchy spring plumage. Photographed at Polychrome Pass in Denali National Park in early May.
More in my wildlife gallery: https://photos.lwpetersen.com/Galleries/Alaska-Photos/Wildlife