And now we interrupt the live streamed horrors of this world with some hardcore astronomy.
Astrum: *Gaia Discovered Hidden Galaxies INSIDE Our Milky Way*
I took this photo last week in the Rhön.
Early in the year, the Milky Way is still flat above the horizon and is perfect for panoramas. Later in the year, the Milky Way becomes more and more vertical above the horizon.
Planetary party portrait above Paranal!
In this image, taken in early February, the planets of the Solar System appear to parade one after the other above our Paranal Observatory in #Chile. Joining the party are the #Moon, the #MilkyWay, and a special guest: comet C/2024 G3
A question we often get is whether the planets orbit the Sun in the same plane as the disc of the Milky Way. This image shows that's not the case: the plane of the Solar System –the ecliptic– is tilted about 60º relative to the Milky Way.
Read more:
Night world finalist: Ermita de las Nieves by Matteo Strassera
A grandiose view of the Milky Way stretches across a clear night sky, revealing countless stars over the quiet desert of Death Valley, California.
Single shot, December 04, 2024
Guess who forgot to pack their tripod and ultra-wide lens?
So this is two 35mm shots with the camera balanced on a stool, held up on an angle with my phone (on its side) and the phone stand for the higher angle, then stitched in Lightroom.
Not great by any means, but who can resist a bit of milky way when you're in a dark area?
Late night thoughts: The US motto “E pluribus unum” (“Out of many, one”) literally means fostering INCLUSION out of DIVERSITY.
Which is also what a galaxy is: a single shining entity made of a multitude of stars. Erase some, and its light dims. Erase enough, destroy enough gravitational bonds, and I suppose it all breaks up and scatters into the dark.
Anyway, here’s another Milky Way pic. (Shot on iPhone 15)
Milky Way Over the Costa Brava
In July 2022, I was in Llafranc and wondered if I'd be able to photograph the Milky Way. Dark skies maps of the area showed glowing lights all along the coast, and it seemed unlikely, but I wandered down to the beach one night to try. I was pleased with the result because there was no way I could see anything like this with my bare eyes! There was too much light around.
I was looking to enter an earlier edit of this shot into the Nat Geo travel #photography competition for the landscape category, but realised I couldn't as that photo was stacked and then had still foreground merged back into the image, which would be against the rules for comp since "only minor burning, dodging and/or colour correction is acceptable, as is cropping".
So I revisited this shot using only one single frame. I quite like this version, actually.
#astrophotography folks! Show me your coolest #aurora #photography.
This one was taken at The Hazards on Tasmania’s east coast. I drove about 800km in 24 hours to make this photo happen.
Canon 5D Mark IV, SIGMA ART 24mm f/1.4, Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini.
The Milky Way in the Southern Hemisphere :) #astronomy #photography #photo #space #milkyway #night #newzealand