I watched the documentary film of Wilding yesterday, which is based on the excellent Isabella Tree book. The regeneration of the land and the flourishing of the ecosystem at Knepp is so inspiring. It show us what we're missing; it shows us alternative futures.
A few caveats – there are some poor decisions made in telling the story. They have actors playing the younger versions of Tree and her partner, in numerous golden syrup dappled sunburst shots, and there are some very clunky dramatic recreations of key moments from the project's history. Also the sheer poshness and privilege of the main protagonists does grate at times. There is little or no discussion of the economics of the enterprise. (There is more detail about that in the book.) Thus it becomes a film about a personal journey more than any kind of useful blueprint for wider action.
I don't want to sound mean – exceptionally, these people are taking their privilege and doing absolutely the right thing with it, so no complaints there. It's an amazing achievement.
I can see the potential broad appeal of the human narrative of Knepp's rewilding, which is what they've aimed for, but really, it's the flora and fauna which are the stars.