How can art and creative education help us explore the role of robots in society?
In the latest episode, I chatted to Prof. Vali Lalioti from the University of the Arts London about creative robotics.
Available wherever you get your podcasts:
Have you ever wondered how #communication, #vr and #telepresence would look in a #solarpunk world?
A sustainable world would need us to travel less, slower and more mindfully - to limit the energy use, the risk of pandemics and more.
This doesn't mean that we should only talk to people living close to us - to the contrary, global connections between different cultures, regions, bioregions are incredibly valuable!
ICYMI: American Truck Simulator - Cupid's Express Conclusion
#Linux #LinuxGaming #OpenXR #PCGaming #TruckSim #VirtualReality #VR #Vulkan
We just kicked off the #DEFRA_GUIDED project!
We're changing EOD robotics with augmented 3D awareness, using multi-spectral sensors & AI (including SWIR imaging for enhanced detection - see the attached image demonstrating PFM mine detection!). This tech will enhance operator situational awareness and reduce the associated cognitive load.
Pechamos unha nova colaboración con Mundos Digitales para que nos@s soci@s volvan ter un desconto do 50% na entrada profesional a Mundos Digitales 2025.
Quen estea interesad@ pode solicitalo no correo
️Ademáis, se estas interesad@ en expor o teu xogo, dende expoñeremos proxectos d@s nos@s soci@s no noso stand de Mundos Digitales deste ano.
Máis información:
¡Buenas! Me he movido a, necesitaba un cambio de aires, a ver si así retomo un poco Mastodon. Estaría guay encontrar algunos #mutuals para no tener la timeline vacía, así que escribiré algunas cositas que me gustan ヾ(•ω•`)o
#Videojuegos (Marvel Rivals, Deep Rock Galactic, Minecraft, Bayonetta, Space Channel 5...) y los juegos #VR (Beat Saber, VRChat, Until You Fall...)
#Arte (un poco de todo, pintura, ilustración, vídeo, foto...) También lo relacionado a artistas y colectivos por aquí en Mastodon, tanto gallegos como catalanes, ya que ahora estoy viviendo en Cataluña
#Música Indie o Pop generalmente, pero suele gustarme casi de todo
#Cocina y en especial, postres
Se agradecen ReToots
#realtime #rendering #wip using the #godotengine . I want to use this scene to try and push godot's #xr capabilities to the max for #vr artistic expression.
Proud to have released #500 episodes of @gamesatwork_biz with @andypiper and @michaelmartine where we talk #ar #ai #vr #gaming #technology and more
Looking back at my master thesis, I still think the concept of driving a rigged character with live-streamed motion capture data to have a VR scene react in real time to a real human's movements was pretty cool.
#VR #MotionCapture #Unity
At least there is some good news today. My friends ( @andypiper and @michaelmartine ) and I are only 2 days away from recording our 500th Episode of @gamesatwork_biz ... Great to be a #podcaster #technology #gaming #vr #ar #ai #3dprinting
Guys, I can't believe it, open source VRChat is here. It's called @overte and it's actually fast. It supports hundreds of people in a single instance and the editor is actually built into the game. You can hang out with your friends and make worlds together. This is INSANE.
The are working on support for Vulkan to make it even faster. Also VRM models so you can have anime girls, of course.
Got questions about creative robotics?
Later this season, I'll be chatting to Prof. Vali Lalioti from the University of the Arts London about how art, culture and #robotics interact.
Send me your questions for Vali in the comments below or on the Robot Talk website:
A month ago, I had the opportunity to go on a train trip through beautiful #Finland. So it is time to post my updated Finland
transit diagram of 2025. It shows all #VR and HSL services. Have fun browsing it.
First trailer for Portal Foxes TD is up. Not very flashy, but it should let players know if the game is for them. #gamedev #indiegame #towerdefense #vr
From #Resonite the other day, the resemblance between my #VRAvatar and #VectorArt of my #Fursona is uncanny...
Can you spot the difference?
Eine Kollegin hat mich auf dieses Projekt der FOS Gestaltung München hingewiesen: die "Bibliothek der Vielfalt":
Eröffnung ist am 7. Februar
#diversity #inklusion #intersektionalitaet #medien #kunst #vr #buch #spiele #queer #gaystraightalliance #lgbtiq
Buchspenden werden entgegengenommen. Ich habe eben angeboten, ein paar Comicbücher von @Fuchskind zu kaufen, weil ich finde, dass diese perfekt in das Konzept passen.
Pulling together the #shownotes in #ChapelHill for @gamesatwork_biz in preparation for Monday’s posting of e497. Stories and discussion about #CES2025, #robots, #socks, #AI, #TalkingMoose, #ZaphodBeeblebrox, #LanguageLocalization, #LEGO and more! Check out earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on